A B C D E F G H I L M O P R S T V W X Y 


act() - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Empty method called in every simulation cycle after all actor act() calls.
addStatusBar(int, int, int, int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Adds a status bar at a user defined position of the screen.
addStatusBar(int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Adds a status bar at the bottom of the game grid window where a single line of text can be displayed.


back(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Moves the global turtle back.
back(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle back.
beep() - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Emits a beep (1000 Hz sine wave of 100 ms duration).
beep() - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Emits a beep (1000 Hz sine wave of 100 ms duration).
BIGSIZE - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Constants for the turtle magnification (augmented to double the standard size).
bk(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for back().
bk(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for back().
BLACK - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.BLACK.
BLUE - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.BLUE.


clean() - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Erases the playground by filling it with the current playground color.
clean(int) - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Erases the playground by filling it with the given color.
clean() - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Erases the playground by filling it with the current playground color.
clean(int) - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Erases the playground by filling it with the given color.
clear() - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Clears the playground by filling it with the current playground color.
clear(int) - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Clears the playground by filling it with the given color.
clear() - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Clears the playground by filling it with the current playground color.
clear(int) - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Clears the playground by filling it with the given color.
clone() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Creates a clone of the current global turtle by performing a deep copy of all its properties.
clone() - Method in class turtle.PointD
Returns a new PointD with duplicated coordinates.
clone() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Creates a clone of the current turtle by performing a deep copy of all its properties.
ConsoleActivity - Class in turtle
Activity for creating a console display, for internal use only.
ConsoleActivity() - Constructor for class turtle.ConsoleActivity
CYAN - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.CYAN.


d(String) - Static method in class turtle.L
Writes debug string flagged as 'debug'.
delay(long) - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Halts the current thread for the given time.
distance(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the distance from the current position of the global turtle to the given position.
distance(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the distance from the current position to the given position.
DKGRAY - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.DKGRAY.
dot() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Draws a single point (dot) at the current turtle position using the current pen color.
dot() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Draws a single point (dot) at the current turtle position using the current pen color.


e(String) - Static method in class turtle.L
Writes debug string flagged as 'error'.
equals(Object) - Method in class turtle.PointD
Checks whether the x-y-coordinates of the given PointD are equal to the x-y-coordinates of the current PointD (overrides Object.equals()).


fd(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for forward().
fd(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for forward().
fill(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Fills a bounded region of the playground with the current pen color (flood fill).
fill() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Same as fill(x, y), but using the current turtle position.
fill(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Fills a bounded region of the playground with the current pen color (flood fill).
fill() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Same as fill(x, y), but uses the current turtle position.
fillOff() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Stops the filling started by calling fillToPoint(), fillToHorizontal() or fillToVertical().
fillOff() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Stops the filling started by calling fillToPoint(), fillToHorizontal() or fillToVertical().
fillToHorizontal(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Draws a imaginary horizonatal line at given y coordinate.
fillToHorizontal(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Draws a imaginary horizonatal line at given y coordinate.
fillToPoint(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Attachs a imaginary rubber band between the global turtle and the given anchor point.
fillToPoint(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Attachs a imaginary rubber band between the turtle and the given anchor point.
fillToVertical(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Draws a imaginary vertical line at given x coordinate.
fillToVertical(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Draws a imaginary vertical line at given x coordinate.
forward(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Moves the global turtle forward.
forward(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle forward.


GameGrid - Class in turtle
Class to create a container where the actors live in.
getActor() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the underlying turtle actor.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Returns the background color attribute (default: Color.rgb(90, 90, 90)).
getBorderColor() - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Returns the border color attribute (default: Color.WHITE).
getColor() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current global turtle color.
getColor() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current turtle color.
getColorNames() - Static method in class turtle.X11Color
Returns the implemented X11 color names.
getHeading() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current heading (moving direction) of the global turtle.
getHeading() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current heading (moving direction).
getPenColor() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current pen color of the global turtle.
getPenColor() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current pen color.
getPenWidth() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current pen width of the global turtle.
getPenWidth() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current pen width.
getPlaygroundColor() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the color of the playground.
getPopulationSize() - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Get the total number of turtles (the global turtle is not counted).
getSpeed() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current speed (0..10, -1 for MAXSPEED) of the global turtle.
getSpeed() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current speed (0..10, -1 for MAXSPEED).
getTextColor() - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Returns the text color attribute (default: Color.WHITE).
getTextHeight() - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Returns the text height attribute.
getTextWidth() - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Returns the width of last text given by setText().
getTopTurtleNear(double, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the topmost turtle reference that intersect with the given circle.
getTurtlesNear(double, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the list of turtles that intersect with the given circle (in paint order: subsequent turtle in the list are painted on top of preceding actors.
getX() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current x coordinate of the global turtle.
getX() - Method in class turtle.PointD
Gets the x coordinate
getX() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current x coordinate.
getY() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the current y coordinate of the global turtle.
getY() - Method in class turtle.PointD
Gets the y coordinate
getY() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the current y coordinate.
getZoomFactor() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the quotient between pixel and turtle distances.
GGStatusBar - Class in turtle
Class to provide space for one line of text shown in a game grid window normally used for displaying status information.
GRAY - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.GRAY.
GREEN - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.GREEN.


hideTurtle() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Hides the global turtle.
hideTurtle() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Hides the turtle.
home() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Puts the global turtle at home (center of playground, coordinates (0, 0).
home() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle at home (center of playground, coordinates (0, 0).
ht() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for hideTurtle().
ht() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for hideTurtle().


i(String) - Static method in class turtle.L
Writes debug string flagged as 'information'.
isBackValid(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Checks if the backward movement using the given step moves the turtle to a position outside the visible playground.
isBackValid(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Checks if the backward movement using the given step moves the turtle to a position outside the visible playground.
isForwardValid(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Checks if the forward movement using the given step moves the turtle to a position outside the visible playground.
isForwardValid(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Checks if the forward movement using the given step moves the turtle to a position outside the visible playground.
isHidden() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Reports the current visibility of the global turtle.
isHidden() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Reports the current visibility of the turtle.
isInPlayground() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Checks, if the turtle is inside or outside the playground.
isOnBoarder(int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns true, if the turtle is on the selected border line.
isOnBorder() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns true, if the global turtle is on any of the 4 border lines.
isOnBorder() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns true, if the turtle is on any of the 4 border lines.
isOnBorder(int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns true, if the turtle is on the selected border line.
isPenDown() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Reports the current pen state of the global turtle.
isPenDown() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Reports the current pen state of the turtle.


L - Class in turtle
A helper class to write messages to the adb debug console.
label(String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Same as label(text, textColor, textSize) with textColor = Color.WHITE and textSize = 15.
label(String, int, int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Paints the given text with given text color and given text height at the current global turtle position
label(String) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Same as label(text, textColor, textSize) with textColor = Color.WHITE and textSize = 15.
label(String, int, int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Paint the given text with given text color and given text height at the current turtle position
left(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Turns global the turtle to the left (counter clockwise).
left(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Turns the turtle to the left (counter clockwise).
lt(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for left().
lt(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for left().
LTGRAY - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.LTGRAY.


MAGENTA - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.MAGENTA.
MAXSPEED - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Maximum speed (no animation).
MEDIUMSIZE - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Constants for the turtle magnification (standard size).
Monitor - Class in turtle
Helper class for wait-notify mechanism.
moveTo(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Puts the global turtle to the given position.
moveTo(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Moves the turtle to the given position.


onCompletion(MediaPlayer) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Notification method called when the playback of a media file terminates.
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class turtle.ConsoleActivity
For internal use only.
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Called by the system when the configuration is modified, e.g. when the device orientation changes.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class turtle.ConsoleActivity
For internal use only.
onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Notification method when a key is pressed.
onKeyLongPress(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Notification method when a key is long pressed.
onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Notification method when a key is released.


pd() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for penDown().
pd() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for penDown().
penDown() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Lowers the global turtle's pen, so it draws traces when it moves.
penDown() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Lowers the turtle's pen, so it draws traces when it moves.
penUp() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Lifts the global turtle's pen, so is does not draw traces when it moves.
penUp() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Lifts the turtle's pen, so is does not draw traces when it moves.
Playground - Class in turtle
Class that represents a grapics window where the turtles live.
Playground(String) - Constructor for class turtle.Playground
Same as Playground(), but the turtle seed image is loaded from the sdcard.
Playground() - Constructor for class turtle.Playground
Creates a square sized playground that fits the device screen.
playgroundClicked(double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is clicked.
playgroundClicked(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when the playground is clicked.
playgroundDragged(double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is dragged.
playgroundDragged(double, double, int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is dragged in a multi-touch event.
playgroundDragged(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when the playground is dragged.
playgroundFlung(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when a fling event is detected.
playgroundLongPressed(double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is long pressed.
playgroundLongPressed(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when the playground is long pressed.
playgroundPointerPressed(double, double, int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is pressed (by the second, third, ... finger) in a multi-touch event.
playgroundPointerReleased(double, double, int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is released (by the second, third, ... finger) in a multi-touch event.
playgroundPressed(double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is pressed.
playgroundPressed(double, double, int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is pressed (by the first in a multi-touch event.
playgroundPressed(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when the playground is pressed.
playgroundReleased(double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is released.
playgroundReleased(double, double, int) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when the playground is released by the last finger in a multi-touch event.
playgroundReleased(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when the playground is released.
playSound(String, boolean) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Plays the given sound resource.
playSound(String) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Same as playSound(String soundResource, boolean blocking) with blocking = true.
PointD - Class in turtle
Class representing pairs of double values.
PointD() - Constructor for class turtle.PointD
Constructs a PointD at (0, 0).
PointD(double, double) - Constructor for class turtle.PointD
Constructs a PointD with given coordintes.
PointD(PointF) - Constructor for class turtle.PointD
Constructs a PointD from given PointF
PointD(Point) - Constructor for class turtle.PointD
Constructs a PointD from given Point
PointD(GGVector) - Constructor for class turtle.PointD
Constructs a PointD from given GGVector
PointD(PointD) - Constructor for class turtle.PointD
Constructs a PointD from given PointD
pu() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for penUp().
pu() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for penUp().
putSleep(int) - Static method in class turtle.Monitor
Same as putSleep(Object monitor, int timeout), but uses internal static monitor object.
putSleep(Object, int) - Static method in class turtle.Monitor
Put the current thread in a wait state until wakeUp() is called or timeout ( in ms ) expires.
putSleep(Object) - Static method in class turtle.Monitor
Same as putSleep(Object monitor, int timeout) with timeout = 0 (timeout disabled).
putSleep() - Static method in class turtle.Monitor
Same as putSleep(int timeout) with timeout = 0 (timeout disabled).


readDouble(String, String, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
readDouble(String, String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Same as readDouble(title, prompt, init), but no initial value is displayed.
readInt(String, String, int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
readInt(String, String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Same as readInt(title, prompt, init), but no initial value is displayed.
readString(String, String, String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
readString(String, String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Same as readString(title, prompt, init), but no initial value is displayed.
readStringWithCancel(String, String, String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
RED - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.RED.
refresh() - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Repaints the graphics to show any changes in the offscreen buffer.
right(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Turns the global turtle to the right (clockwise).
right(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Turns the turtle to the right (clockwise).
rt(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for right().
rt(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for right().


set(double, double) - Method in class turtle.PointD
Sets the coordinates to given values.
set(PointF) - Method in class turtle.PointD
Sets the coordinates to coordinates of given PointF.
set(PointD) - Method in class turtle.PointD
Sets the coordinates to coordinates of given PointD.
setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Sets the background color attribute.
setBorderColor(int) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Sets the border color attribute.
setColor(int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Sets the current global turtle color.
setColor(int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Sets the current turtle color.
setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Enable/disable drag event callbacks (to be active, touch must be enabled too) Because drag events may be triggered in rapid sequence, drag events are disabled by default.
setHeading(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Sets the current heading (moving direction) of the gloabal turtle.
setHeading(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Sets the current heading (moving direction).
setMultiDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Enable/disable multi-touch drag event callbacks.
setMultiTouchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Enable/disable all multi-touch event callbacks.
setPenColor(int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Sets the current pen color of the global turtle.
setPenColor(int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Sets the current pen color.
setPenWidth(int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Sets the current pen width.
setPenWidth(int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Sets the current pen width.
setPos(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Puts the global turtle to the given position.
setPos(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to the given position.
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Enables/disables the the automatic refresh by calling GameGrid.refresh() is called at the end of setText().
setSize(int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Sets the current turtle size.
setSize(int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Sets the current turtle size.
setSpeed(int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Sets the global turtle's speed.
setSpeed(int) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Sets the turtle's speed.
setText(String, int) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Same as setText(String text), but sets the background color attribute to given color.
setText(String) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Sets the given text in the status bar.
setTextColor(int) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Sets the text color attribute.
setTouchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Enable/disable touch event callbacks (also fling events).
setTypeface(Typeface) - Method in class turtle.GGStatusBar
Sets the typeface attribute.
setX(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Puts the global turtle to the given x coordinate.
setX(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to the given x coordinate.
setY(double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Puts the global turtle to the given y coordinate.
setY(double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Puts the turtle to the given y coordinate.
showToast(String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays an Android "toast" message (notification that pops up shortly) at system defined position.
showTurtle() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Shows the global turtle if it was hidden before.
showTurtle() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Shows the turtle if it was hidden before.
showValue(String, String) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
showValue(String, short) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
showValue(String, int) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
showValue(String, long) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
showValue(String, float) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
showValue(String, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
showValue(String, boolean) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Displays a modal information dialog with an Ok button.
sleep(int) - Static method in class turtle.Playground
Delays the execution for the given time.
sleep(int) - Static method in class turtle.Turtle
Delays the execution for the given time.
SMALLSIZE - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Constants for the turtle magnification (reduced to half the standard size).
st() - Method in class turtle.Playground
Short for showTurtle().
st() - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Short for showTurtle().


TAG - Static variable in class turtle.L
The public debug tag "ch.aplu.android".
toColor(String) - Static method in class turtle.X11Color
Returns the color reference attributed to the given X11 color name.
toString() - Method in class turtle.PointD
towards(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Returns the direction (heading) of the global turtle from the current position to the given position.
towards(double, double) - Method in class turtle.Turtle
Returns the direction (heading) from the current position to the given position.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.TRANSPARENT.
turtle - package turtle
Package of the JTurtleLib Turtle Graphics framework for developing Android applications with a focus on teaching Java for beginners.
Turtle - Class in turtle
Class that represents a turtle object.
Turtle() - Constructor for class turtle.Turtle
Creates a white turtle using the following defaults:
- Turtle color white
- Position (0, 0), center of playground
- Pen color white
- Heading north
Turtle(int) - Constructor for class turtle.Turtle
Creates a turtle with given color using the following other defaults:
- Position (0, 0), center of playground
- Pen color white
- Heading north
Turtle(double, double) - Constructor for class turtle.Turtle
Creates a white turtle at given position using the following other defaults:
- Pen color white
- Heading north
Turtle(double, double, int) - Constructor for class turtle.Turtle
Creates a turtle with given color at given position using the following other defaults:
- Pen color white
- Heading north
turtleClicked(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when a turtle is clicked.
turtleClicked(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when a turtle is clicked.
turtleDragged(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when a turtle is dragged.
turtleDragged(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when a turtle is dragged.
turtleImage - Variable in class turtle.GameGrid
turtleLongPressed(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when a turtle is long pressed.
turtleLongPressed(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when a turtle is long pressed.
turtlePressed(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when a turtle is pressed.
turtlePressed(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when a turtle is pressed.
turtleReleased(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.GameGrid
Event notification when a turtle is released.
turtleReleased(Turtle, double, double) - Method in class turtle.Playground
Event notification when a turtle is released.


v(String) - Static method in class turtle.L
Writes debug string flagged as 'verbose'.


w(String) - Static method in class turtle.L
Writes debug string flagged as 'warning'.
wakeUp(Object) - Static method in class turtle.Monitor
Wake up all threads waiting for the given object's lock.
wakeUp() - Static method in class turtle.Monitor
Wake up all threads waiting for the internal static monitor lock.
WHITE - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.WHITE.


x - Variable in class turtle.PointD
The public x coordinate.
X11Color - Class in turtle
This class provides the mapping of X11 colors names (in string notation) to RGB colors represented the java.awt.Color class.
X11Color(String) - Constructor for class turtle.X11Color
Creates a colr with given X11 color name.


y - Variable in class turtle.PointD
The public y coordinate
YELLOW - Static variable in class turtle.Playground
Short for Color.YELLOW.