public class Card
A class to represent individual playing cards.
General description of the JCardGame library:
The available suits and ranks of the game are defined using enumerations when
creating a deck (instance of class Deck). The deck stores a JGameGrid actor (the
"seed actor") for each suit and rank enumeration value that is used for displaying a
card in a game grid window. But because the card image must often be scaled and
rotated at runtime, the seed actor is never displayed directly, it only serves as store
for the card image (and the card back image, called the card cover).
Suits and ranks are ordered. The priority is specified by the the order of the
enumeration values given when the deck is created. The deck class also provides
amethod dealingOut() that returns a user selectable number of card sets taken from
the given suits/ranks, either randomly shuffled or ordered. Cards may also have a
card value (card points) that is dynamically adaptable.
A card (instance of class Card) belongs to one of the suits and one of the ranks
defined when a deck is created. Each card contains a link to its seed actor, but the
Card class itself is not derived from the Actor class. To display a card in a game grid
window, the seed actor's image is transformed at runtime with the required scale and
rotation parameters and the current card actor is created with the transformed image.
The card actor is then used as standard JGameGrid actor to show (and eventually
move) the card image in the game grid window. When the scale and rotation
parameters change, the old card actor is removed from the game grid and a new
card actor is created and added to the game grid. It is a good idea to make a
difference between a card as instance of the Card class that remains fixed through
the lifetime of the card and its visual representation in a game grid window using the
card actor that varies depending on the current scaling and rotation (like in the
Model View Controller paradigm).
Normally a card is part of a set of cards called a hand and all cards of a hand are
shown together when draw() is called. The properties of the visual arrangement is
defined using 4 layout classes: StackLayout, RowLayout, ColumnLayout and
FanLayout, all derived from the abstract class HandLayout. There are also
"handless" cards that are either not yet inserted into a
hand or removed from a hand. As stated before, the current card actor associated
with the card must be dynamically calculated from its seed actor with the proper
scaling and rotation values when the hand is displayed. Thus the card actor is only
valid when the card is part of a hand and the hand was displayed. (Alternatively the
card's attributeActor() method may be used to define its card actor.) Each card may
also store an individual card value (card points).
Hands are very useful card containers, not only for the cards in a player's hand, but
also for modeling card piles of any kind laying on the gambling table. Even when a
hand contains a maximum of one card, putting it into a hand is preferable to an
individual card because moving cards from one hand to another is simple using the
hand's transfer() method.
A hand can be empty (and displayed as such without harm). A hand may even serve
as card store without being displayed during the whole game. It is not rare to create
between 10 to 20 hands in a 4-players game application.
A hand contains a array list of its cards, called the card list. This list determines the
order the cards are painted in the game grid window (the "paint order"). Cards
painted later are shown on top of other cards. Whenever a hand is drawn, the current
card actor of every card is removed from the game grid, recalculated from its seed
actor and added back to the game grid. This is a somewhat time-consuming
operation and hands should only be redrawn when needed.
The Hand class provides many card list transforming operations, like sorting with
several sort types, shuffling, shifting, reversing, etc. When the card list is modified,
the change is not visible until the hand is redisplayed by calling draw(). To simplify
redrawing, all hand modification methods have a boolean parameter that can be set
true to perform redrawing automatically.
A card may be transferred from one hand to another using the transfer() method.
The transfer can be animated by a sequence of card positions when the card moves
from the source to the target hand. The transfer operation takes information from a
TargetArea instance that includes the target location, the card orientation and a
slide step (determines the speed). Once the target area parameters are set, all
further transfer operations use them until they are redefined.
Field Summary | |
static boolean |
If true; all cards are always shown with the face up (for debugging purposes). |
Constructor Summary | |
Card(Deck deck,
int cardNb)
Creates a card instance from given deck using the give card number Keep in mind that the current card actor is undefined (null) until the card is displayed in the gamegrid using the hand's draw() method or attributeActor() is called. |
Card(Deck deck,
T suit,
R rank)
Same as Create(deck, suit, rank, isVerso) with isVerso = false. |
Card(Deck deck,
T suit,
R rank,
boolean isVerso)
Creates a card instance from given deck using the given suit and rank. |
Method Summary | |
CardActor |
associateActor(double scaleFactor,
double rotationAngle)
Calculates the current card actor with given scale factor and rotation angle from the seed actor taken from the card's deck. |
Card |
Deep copy of a card with same attributes, including the card actor, but is handless (getHand() returns null). |
Card |
Same as cloneAndAdd(double rotationAngle) with rotationAngle of current card. |
Card |
cloneAndAdd(double rotationAngle)
Deep copy of a card with same attributes, including the card actor, but is handless (getHand() returns null). |
int |
compareTo(java.lang.Object other)
Implementation of comparable interface. |
boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks if the given card has the same suit and rank as the current card (overrides Object.equals()). |
CardActor |
Returns the card actor reference of the card. |
int |
Returns the card number of the current card. |
Deck |
Returns the deck reference attributed to this card. |
java.awt.Dimension |
Returns the current card dimension (scaling accounted). |
Hand |
Returns the hand the card belongs to. |
java.lang.Enum |
Returns the card's rank |
int |
Returns the card's rank id. |
double |
Returns the current rotation angle. |
double |
Returns the current scale (zoom) factor. |
java.lang.Enum |
Returns the card's suit. |
int |
Returns the card's suit id. |
int |
Returns the value of the card. |
int |
Returns a hash code value for the object. |
boolean |
isInHand(Hand hand)
Returns true, if the current card is part of the given hand. |
boolean |
Returns true, if the card cover (back) will be shown. |
void |
removeFromHand(boolean redraw)
Removes the card from its hand. |
void |
setVerso(boolean isVerso)
Determines if the card's face or cover (back) will be shown. |
void |
slideToTarget(Location targetLocation,
int slideStep)
Same as slideToTarget(targetLocation, slideStep, blocking) with blocking = true. |
void |
slideToTarget(Location targetLocation,
int slideStep,
boolean blocking)
If the card is added to the GameGrid, handless and visible, moves the card actor from current location to the given location using the given number of steps per GameGrid's simulation cycle. |
java.lang.String |
Returns a string representation in the format "suit-rank". |
void |
transfer(Hand targetHand,
boolean doDraw)
Animated or non-animated transfer from current hand to new hand using the currently defined target area. |
void |
transferNonBlocking(Hand targetHand,
boolean doDraw)
Same as transfer(targetHand, doDraw), but the methods returns immediately. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static boolean noVerso
Constructor Detail |
public Card(Deck deck, T suit, R rank)
- the Enum type of the suitR
- the Enum type of the rankdeck
- the deck where to the the cards seed actorsuit
- the card suitrank
- the card rankpublic Card(Deck deck, T suit, R rank, boolean isVerso)
- the Enum type of the suitR
- the Enum type of the rankdeck
- the deck where to the the cards seed actorsuit
- the card suitrank
- the card rankisVerso
- if true the card cover (back) will be shown; otherwise the face will be shownpublic Card(Deck deck, int cardNb)
- the deck where to the the cards seed actorcardNb
- the card number as defined in the Deck classDeck.getSuitId(int cardNb)
Deck.getRankId(int cardNb)
Method Detail |
public CardActor associateActor(double scaleFactor, double rotationAngle)
- the scale factor (1: no scaling) applied to the image transformationrotationAngle
- the rotation angle (in degrees, clockwise) applied to the image transformation
public Card clone()
in class java.lang.Object
public Card cloneAndAdd()
public Card cloneAndAdd(double rotationAngle)
- the modified rotation angle of the card clone
public CardActor getCardActor()
public int getCardNumber()
public double getScaleFactor()
public double getRotationAngle()
public java.awt.Dimension getDimension()
public Deck getDeck()
public java.lang.Enum getSuit()
public int getSuitId()
public java.lang.Enum getRank()
public int getRankId()
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object other)
in interface java.lang.Comparable
public boolean isVerso()
public void setVerso(boolean isVerso)
- the visibilty used for the card; if true, the card cover (back)
is active (sprite Id = 1); otherwise the card face is active (sprite Id = 0)public java.lang.String toString()
in class java.lang.Object
public boolean isInHand(Hand hand)
public int getValue()
public void removeFromHand(boolean redraw)
- if true, a redraw is automatically done;
otherwise redraw is not invokedpublic void slideToTarget(Location targetLocation, int slideStep)
- the location where the card should arriveslideStep
- the number of steps moved in one cyclepublic void slideToTarget(Location targetLocation, int slideStep, boolean blocking)
- the location where the card should arriveslideStep
- the number of steps moved in one cycleblocking
- if true, the methods blocks until the card arrives at the
target; otherwise the method returns immediatelypublic void transfer(Hand targetHand, boolean doDraw)
- the hand where to move the carddoDraw
- if true, the hand the card belongs to and the target hand are drawn
(stacked arrangments are always drawn)Hand.transfer(Card card, Hand targetHand, boolean blocking, boolean redraw)
public void transferNonBlocking(Hand targetHand, boolean doDraw)
- the hand where to transfer the carddoDraw
- if true, the hand the card belongs to and the target hand are drawn
(stacked arrangments are always drawn)public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
in class java.lang.Object
- the object whose suit and rank is checked
public int hashCode()
in class java.lang.Object
public Hand getHand()