A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


ACKNOWLEDGE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Acknowledge line in status register of LPT port (at base address + 1).
act() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardActor
For internal use only.
act() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardCover
For internal use only.
act() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
For internal use only.
act() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Empty method called in every simulation iteration.
act() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Empty method called in every simulation cycle after all actor act() calls.
act() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGActListener
Event callback method called in every simulation cycle.
actAll() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Invokes all actor's act() methods in the order of the scene and draws the new game situation.
activate() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Brings the game grid window to the front and request the focus.
Actor - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that holds sprite icons that plays the role of an actor in the game's game grid.
Actor(BufferedImage...) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on one or several sprite images defined by the given buffered images.
Actor(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on the specified sprite image.
Actor(boolean, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs actor based on the specified buffered image.
Actor(boolean, BufferedImage...) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an actor based on one several sprite images defined by the given buffered images.
Actor() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an actor with no sprite image.
Actor(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on the specified sprite image.
Actor(String...) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on several sprite images.
Actor(boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an actor based on the specified sprite image.
Actor(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an actor based on one several sprite images.
Actor(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an unrotatable actor based on one or more sprite images.
Actor(boolean, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Constructs an actor based on one or more sprite images.
add(GGRadioButton...) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Adds the given GGRadioButtons to the group.
add(GGRadioButton) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Adds the given GGRadioButton to the group.
add(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector that is the vector sum of the current vector and the given vector.
add(Complex) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Define a complex add method.
add(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Define a static add method that creates a a new Complex object with the sum.
add(Component) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as addComponent() (deprecated).
add(GVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector that is the vector sum of the current vector and the given vector.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Register a ActionListener to get a notification when the button is hit.
addActListener(GGActListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Registers the given GGActListener to get act() events.
addActor(Actor, Location, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Adds a new actor at given starting position with given moving direction to the scene.
addActor(Actor, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as addActor(Actor actor, Location location, double direction) with direction = 0 (to east).
addActor(Actor, Location, Location.CompassDirection) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as addActor(Actor actor, Location location, double direction) with compass direction.
addActorCollisionListener(GGActorCollisionListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers a collision listener that reports collision events when actors collide.
addActorNoRefresh(Actor, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as addActor(Actor actor, Location location), but the game grid window is not refreshed automatically.
addActorNoRefresh(Actor, Location, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as addActor(Actor actor, Location location, double direction), but the game grid window is not refreshed automatically.
addBorderListener(GGBorderListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers an GGBorderListener so that the callback method nearBorder() is called when the actor's location is on a cell at the border of the game grid.
addButtonListener(GGButtonListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButton
Registers a GGButtonListener to get notifications when the button is manipulated.
addButtonOverListener(GGButtonOverListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButton
Registers a GGOverButtonListener to get notifications when the mouse cursor enters the active mouse area.
addButtonOverListener(GGButtonOverListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Registers a GGOverButtonListener to get notifications when the mouse cursor enters the active mouse area.
addCardListener(CardListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Registers a card listener to get event notifications when a card is touched or arrives at its target.
addCheckButtonListener(GGCheckButtonListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Registers a GGCheckButtonListener to get notifications when the button is manipulated.
addCleanable(Cleanable) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Register a class that implements Cleanable.clean() that will be called when the title bar's close button is hit.
addCleanable(Cleanable) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Register a class that implements Cleanable.clean() that will be called when the title bar's close button is hit.
addCollisionActor(Actor) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers a partner actor that becomes a collision candidate, e.g. that is checked for collisions in every simulation cycle.
addCollisionActors(Actor[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers all actors in a list as collision candidates.
addCollisionActors(ArrayList<Actor>) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers all actors in a list as collision candidates.
addCollisionTile(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers a tile location that becomes a collision candidate, e.g. that is checked for collisions in every simulation cycle.
addCollisionTiles(Location[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers all tile locations in a list as collision candidates.
addCollisionTiles(ArrayList<Location>) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers all tile locations in a list as collision candidates.
addComponent(Component) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Append the specified component to the container.
addExitListener(GGExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Registers the given GGExitListener to get an event when the title bar close button is hit.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Register an ExitListener to get a notification when the close button is clicked.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Register an ExitListener to get a notification when the close button is clicked.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Register an ExitListener to get a notification when the close button is clicked.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Register an ExitListener to get a notification when the close button is clicked.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Register a class that implements ExitListener.notifyExit() that will be called when the title bar's close button is hit.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Register a class that implements ExitListener.notifyExit() that will be called when the title bar's close button is hit.
addExitListener(ExitListener) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Create a QuitPane dialog, if it's not yet done.
addItem(ToolBarItem...) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Add the next item(s) into the tool bar in the order they are passed.
addKeyListener(GGKeyListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Adds a GGKeyListener to get events when a key is pressed.
addKeyRepeatListener(GGKeyRepeatListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Adds a GGKeyRepeatListener to get repeating events with default period (20 ms) when a key is pressed until the key is released.
addLinkListener(LinkListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Registers a LinkListener to get events when clicked on a hyperlink.
addMouseListener(GGMouseListener, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Adds a GGMouseListener to get notifications from mouse events.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Invoke the internal JPanels addMouseListener().
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Invoke the internal JPanels addMouseMotionListener().
addMouseTouchListener(GGMouseTouchListener, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as addMouseTouchListener(listener, mouseEventMask, onTopOnly) with onTopOnly = false.
addMouseTouchListener(GGMouseTouchListener, int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Add a GGMouseTouchListener to get notifications when the mouse interacts with the mouse touch area.
addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Invoke the internal JPanels addMouseWheelListener().
addNavigationListener(GGNavigationListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Register a navigation listener to get notifications when the navigation panel is used.
addQuitNotifier(Cleanable) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Register a Cleanble whose clean method will be called when the Quit or Close button is hit.
addRadioButtonListener(GGRadioButtonListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Registers a GGRadioListener to get notifications when the button is manipulated.
addRadioButtonListener(GGRadioButtonListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Registers the given GGRadioButtonListener to get notifications when the currently selected button changes because the user clicks another button.
addResetListener(GGResetListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Registers the given GGResetListener to get events when the reset button is hit.
addSoundConverter(SoundConverter) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Registers a sound converter.
addSoundPlayerListener(SoundPlayerListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Register a SoundPlayerListener to get notifications from the SoundPlayer.
addSoundSampleListener(SoundSampleListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Register a SoundSampleLister to get notifications for each recorded sound sample (default sample size: 10000 bytes).
addStatusBar(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Adds a status window attached at the bottom of the game grid window (below the navigation bar, if available).
addStatusBar(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Add a status window attached at the bottom of the GPanel window.
addTileCollisionListener(GGTileCollisionListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Registers a tile listener that reports collision events when actors and tiles collide.
addTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Register a TimerListener to fire callbacks when the time interval expires (current time reaches 0 or the timer is stopped).
addToggleButtonListener(GGToggleButtonListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Registers a GGToggleButtonListener to get notifications when the button is manipulated.
addToolBarListener(ToolBarListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Registers a tool bar listener to get event notifications when an item is touched.
addWindowStateListener(GGWindowStateListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Register a GGWindowStateListener that will report change of window location and iconification.
adjust() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Actualize the conversion between window und user coordinates according to the current component size.
advanceFrames(long) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Advance current position (number of frames).
advanceTime(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Advance current time (in ms).
APPLETFRAME - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Mode for a GPanel used as standalone window in a applet.
applyTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Apply the given AffineTransform to offscreen buffer.
applyTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Apply the given AffineTransform to offscreen buffer.
arc(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws an arc with given center coordinates, radius in user x-coordinates, start angle and angle extent.
arc(Point2D.Double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws an arc with given center, radius in user x-coordinates, start angle and angle extent.
arc(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws an arc with center at current graph position, radius in user x-coordinates, start angle and angle extent.
arc(double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw an arc with center at the current graph position and given radius in window coordinates.
arc(double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw an arc with center at the current graph position and given radius in window coordinates.
AskOnClose - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
ClosingMode AskOnClose.
associateActor(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Calculates the current card actor with given scale factor and rotation angle from the seed actor taken from the card's deck.
atTarget(Card, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card arrives a the target after a card transfer.
atTarget(Card, Location) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card arrives a the target after a card transfer.
AudioFormats - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class to provide simple AudioFormats.
AUTOLINEFEED - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Auto Linefeed line in control register of LPT port (at base address + 2).


backgroundColor - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Property for bean support.
BaseAlarmTimer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Abstract base class for HiResAlarmTimer and LoResAlarmTimer.
BaseTimer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Abstract base class for HiResTimer and LoResTimer.
bgColor - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
The color of the background.
bgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the background color.
bgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the background color.
bgColor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the background color using the given X11 color name.
bgImagePath - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Path of the background image.
bgImagePosX - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
ULX of the background image with respect to playground.
bgImagePosY - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
ULY of the background image with respect to playground.
BLACK - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.BLACK.
blockingPlay() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Start playing and block until the sound file is completely played.
BLUE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.BLUE.
browse(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Calls the standard system browser
BUSY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Busy line in status register of LPT port (at base address + 1).
buttonChecked(GGCheckButton, boolean) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButtonListener
Event callback method called when the button changes the state.
buttonClicked(GGButton) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonListener
Event callback method called when the button is clicked.
buttonEntered(GGButton) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonOverListener
Event callback method when the mouse cursor enters the active area.
buttonExited(GGButton) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonOverListener
Event callback method called when the mouse cursor exits the active area.
buttonPressed(GGButton) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonListener
Event callback method called when the button is pressed.
buttonReleased(GGButton) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonListener
Event callback method called when the button is released.
buttonSelected(GGRadioButton, boolean) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonListener
Event callback method called when the button changes the state.
buttonToggled(GGToggleButton, boolean) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButtonListener
Event callback method called when the button changes the state.


cancel(long) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Continue the halted thread and wait for the thread to die at most the given time (in ms).
cancel() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Continue the halted thread and block until the thread is dead.
capture() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Same as capture(ByteArrayOutputStream data), but store data in an internal buffer that can be read-out by getRecordedData().
capture(ByteArrayOutputStream) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Start capturing the sound in a separate capture thread and store data in the given stream.
Card - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
A class to represent individual playing cards.
Card(Deck, T, R) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Same as Create(deck, suit, rank, isVerso) with isVerso = false.
Card(Deck, T, R, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Creates a card instance from given deck using the given suit and rank.
Card(Deck, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Creates a card instance from given deck using the give card number Keep in mind that the current card actor is undefined (null) until the card is displayed in the gamegrid using the hand's draw() method or attributeActor() is called.
CardActor - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class that represents the game grid actor that belongs to the sprite image of a card.
CardAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Empty implementation of callback methods called for card events.
CardAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
CardCover - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class that represents the cover (back) of a card (card with face down).
CardCover(GameGrid, Location, Deck, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardCover
Same as CardCover(gameGrid, location, deck, scaleFactor, rotationAngle, hide) with show = true.
CardCover(GameGrid, Location, Deck, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardCover
Creates a transformed card cover actor from the seed actor of the first card in the given deck and adds it at the given location to the given game grid.
CardGame - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
A specialized GameGrid class used for card games.
CardGame() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardGame
Constructs the game playground with 10 by 10 cells (60 pixels wide).
CardGame(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardGame
Same as CardGame(width, height, bgColor, statusHeight, simulationPeriod) with bgColor = RGB(20, 80, 0) (dark green), simulationPeriod = 30 and statusHeight = 0 (no status bar).
CardGame(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardGame
Same as CardGame(width, height, bgColor, statusHeight, simulationPeriod) with bgColor = RGB(20, 80, 0) (dark green), simulationPeriod = 30.
CardGame(int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardGame
Same as CardGame(width, height, bgColor, statusHeight, simulationPeriod) with simulationPeriod = 30 and statusHeight = 0 (no status bar).
CardGame(int, int, Color, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardGame
Constructs and shows a game grid window with the given horizontal and vertical pixel size (cell size = 1, no navigation bar).
CardListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Declaration of callback methods called for card events.
CardOrientation - Enum in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Four major card orientations.
cards - Variable in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Public array of all cards in this deck in the order cards[suitId][rankId].
cellSize - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Size of cells in pixels (square).
center - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
The public vector to the center of the circle.
ch.aplu.jcardgame - package ch.aplu.jcardgame
Addon package of the JGameGrid framework for developing card game applications.
ch.aplu.jgamegrid - package ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Package of the JGameGrid framework for developing simulations and games with a focus on education.
ch.aplu.util - package ch.aplu.util
Java class package with a focus on education.
circle(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a circle with given center coordinates and given radius in user x-coordinates.
circle(Point2D.Double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a circle with given center and given radius in user x-coordinates.
circle(double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a circle with center at current graph position and given radius in user x-coordinates.
circle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a circle with center at the current graph position and given radius in horizontal window coordinates.
circle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a circle with center at the current graph position and given radius in horizontal window coordinates.
clean() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Clears the frame buffer by painting it with the current background color.
clean() - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.Cleanable
Cleanable - Interface in ch.aplu.util
Interface to declare a cleanup method, called normally before program terminates.
cleanup() - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.SoundConverter
Callback method called when no more data is available before closing SoundPlayer's output to the sound device.
clear(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Clears the background buffer by painting it with the given background color.
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Clears the background buffer by painting it with the current background color.
clear(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Clears the bitmap by painting it with the given background color.
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Clears the bitmap by painting it with the current background color.
clear() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Erase all text in console window
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Clear the graphics window (fully paint with background color) (and the offscreen buffer used by the window).
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Clear the graphics window (fully paint with background color) (and the offscreen buffer used by the window).
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Clear the screen graphics (without calling repaint).
clear() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Erase all text.
clearBuf() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Clear the graphics offline buffer (without calling repaint).
clearStore(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Clear store buffer by uniformly painting it with with given color.
clearStore(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Clear store buffer by uniformly painting it with with given color.
clearStore(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Clear store buffer by uniformly painting it with with the given X11 color name.
clearStore(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Clear store buffer by uniformly painting it with given color.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Deep copy of a card with same attributes, including the card actor, but is handless (getHand() returns null).
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Creates a new ColumnLayout instance with same options.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Creates a new FanLayout instance with same options.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Creates a new RowLayout instance with same options.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.StackLayout
Creates a new StackLayout instance with same options.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Performs a deep copy of the given TargetArea.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns a new circle with the same center and radius as the current circle.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns a new GGLine with same start and end vector.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns a new rectangle with same vertices and egdes as the original.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector with the same coordinates as the current vector.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns a new location with duplicated coordinates.
clone() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector with the same coordinates as the current vector.
cloneAndAdd() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Same as cloneAndAdd(double rotationAngle) with rotationAngle of current card.
cloneAndAdd(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Deep copy of a card with same attributes, including the card actor, but is handless (getHand() returns null).
close() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Close port Do nothing, if port is not open.
close() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Hide the modeless message dialog previously shown.
close() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Hide the dialog.
closeInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Closes the given input stream.
closeInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Closes the given input stream.
closeOutputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Closes the given output stream.
closeOutputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Closes the given output stream.
collide(Actor, Actor) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Empty implementation of a GGActorCollisionListener called when the two actors collides.
collide(Actor, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Empty implementation of a GGTileCollisionListener called when the an actor collides with a tile.
collide(Actor, Actor) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGActorCollisionListener
Event callback method called when actors are colliding.
collide(Actor, Location) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileCollisionListener
Event callback method called when actors and tiles are colliding.
color(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Sets the current paint color.
color(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same as setColor() (deprecated).
color(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as setColor(Color color) (deprecated).
color(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as setColor(String colorStr) (deprecated).
ColumnLayout - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class to store the column layout options for a hand.
ColumnLayout(Location, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Same as ColumnLayout(handLocation, columnHeight, rotationAngle) with rotationAngle = 0.
ColumnLayout(Location, int, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Creates a ColumnLayout instance with given hand location, maximum column height and rotation angle.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Implementation of comparable interface.
Complex - Class in ch.aplu.util
This is a complex number class with the essential features needed for computations.
Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Constructor that initializes the values.
Console - Class in ch.aplu.util
Console window for line oriented input and output.
Console(Position, Size, Font) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Console
Construct a Console with attributes.
Console() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Console
Construct a Console with default attributes ( see init() ).
Console.ClosingMode - Enum in ch.aplu.util
contains(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns true, if the a card with same suit and rank is found in the card list of current hand.
copyDirectory(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Copies all files from the source directory into the destination directory.
copyDirectory(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Copies all files from the source directory into the destination directory.
copyFile(URL, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Copies binary data from the source URL to the destination file.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Copies binary data from the source file to the destination file.
copyFile(URL, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Copies binary data from the source URL to the destination file.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Copies binary data from the source file to the destination file.
copyTree(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Copies all files with subdirectory structure from the source directory to the destination directory.
copyTree(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Copies all files with subdirectory structure from the source directory to the destination directory.
create() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Creates a GGMouse instance with default values for the instance variables.
create(GGMouseListener, int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Creates a GGMouse instance with given values for the instance variables.
createDirectoryTree(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Creates a directory structure.
createDirectoryTree(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Creates a directory structure.
createTileMap(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Creates/Replaces a TileMap with the specified number of horizontal and vertical tiles.
crop(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Extracts the partial image if the given rectangular area.
cubicBezier(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a cubic bezier curve.
cubicBezier(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a cubic bezier curve.
cubicBezier(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a cubic bezier curve.
cubicBezier(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a cubic bezier curve.
cut(int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Divides the current hand (as a deck of cards) into two batches and reassembles the batches in reverse order.
CYAN - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.CYAN.


DARKGRAY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.DKGRAY.
DATA0 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 0 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA1 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 1 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA2 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 2 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA3 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 3 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA4 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 4 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA5 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 5 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA6 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 6 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
DATA7 - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of bit 7 in data register of LPT port (at base address).
dealingOut(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Same as dealingOut(nbPlayers, nbCardsPerPlayer, shuffle) with shuffle = true.
dealingOut(int, int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns an array with nbPlayers + 1 hands.
Deck - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
A class to bundle information about the card suits and ranks and their card actors (sprite images).
Deck(T[], R[], String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Creates a deck from given suit and rank enumerations with card values set to zero using the values of the suits enumeration for the sprite names.
Deck(T[], R[], String, Deck.CardValues) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Creates a deck from given suit and rank enumerations with given card values using the values of the suits enumeration for the sprite names.
Deck(T[], R[], S[], String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Creates a deck from given suit and rank and sprites enumerations with card values set to zero.
Deck(T[], R[], S[], String, Deck.CardValues) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Creates a deck from given suit and rank and sprites enumerations with given card values.
Deck.CardValues - Interface in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Interface for the construction of integer arrays with card values (card points, card values) of each card in each suit.
delay(long) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Delay execution for the given amount of time.
delay(long) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Delays execution for the given amount of time.
delay(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Delay execution for the given amount of time ( in ms ).
delay(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Delay execution for the given amount of time ( in ms ).
delay(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Delay execution for the given amount of time ( in ms ).
delay(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Delay execution for the given amount of time ( in ms ).
delay(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Delay execution for the given amount of time ( in ms ).
delay(long) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Suspend thread execution for the given amount of time (in ms).
disableClose(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Disable/enable the title bar's closing button.
disableClose(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Disable/Enable the title bar's closing button.
displace(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Increases the current double displace position in the current direction to the given double distance and moves the actor in the cell that contains the given coordinates.
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Stops the game thread, hides the game window, disposes the frame and calls Monitor.wakeUp().
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Releases all resources of the graphics context.
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Release all used system resources (offscreen buffer, graphics context) and unblock getKeyWait() and getKeyCodeWait() and waiting Monitor.putSleep().
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Release all used system resources (offscreen buffer, graphics context) and unblock getKeyWait() and getKeyCodeWait() and waiting Monitor.putSleep().
dispose() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Dispose the dialog.
dispose() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Hide the dialog and release the resources.
disposeAll() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Disposes the GameGrid instance.
DisposeOnClose - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
ClosingMode DisposeOnClose.
distanceTo(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns the distance between the current vector and the given vector.
distanceTo(GVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns the distance between the current vector and the given vector.
divide(Complex) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Divide this complex object by the complex argument.
divide(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Define a static divide method that creates a a new Complex object with the result of cvalue1/cvalue2.
doPause() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Pauses the simulation cycling.
doReset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
If still running, calls doPause() and restores actors to their initializing state.
doRun() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Starts the simulation cycling.
doStep() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Runs the the simulation loop once.
dot(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns the scalar product (dot product) of the current vector with the given vector.
dot(GVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns the scalar product (dot product) of the current vector with the given vector.
draw() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Displays the hand using the current layout.
draw(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a line from current graph position to the given coordinates and sets the graph position to these coordinates.
draw(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a line from current graph position to the given point and sets the graph position to this point.
draw(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a line from current graph position to given window coordinates and set the graph position to the endpoint.
draw(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a line from current graph position to given point (in window coordinates) and set the graph position to the endpoint.
draw(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a line from current graph position to given window coordinates and set the graph position to the endpoint.
draw(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a line from current graph position to given point (in window coordinates) and set the graph position to the endpoint.
draw() - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.GPrintable
This method must perform all drawing operations.
drawArc(Point, int, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws an arc with given center, radius, start angle and angle extent.
drawArc(Point, int, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws an arc with given center, radius, start and end angle.
drawCircle(Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a circle with given center and given radius.
drawCircle(Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a circle with given center and given radius.
drawGeneralPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a figure defined by the given GeneralPath.
drawGeneralPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a figure defined by the given GeneralPath.
drawGridLines(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws the grid lines using the given color.
drawImage(String, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Retrieves the image either from the jar resource, from local drive or from a internet server and draws it into the background buffer.
drawImage(BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws the given image into the background buffer.
drawImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws the given image at position (0, 0) into the background buffer.
drawImage(BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws the given image into the bitmap.
drawImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws the given image at position (0, 0) into the bitmap.
drawImage(BufferedImage, int, int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Draw the given BufferedImage into offscreen buffer at (x, y) coordinates of upper left corner.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a line from one coordinate pair to another coordinate pair.
drawLine(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a line from one coordinate pair to another coordinate pair.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a line from one coordinate pair to another coordinate pair.
drawLine(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a line from one coordinate pair to another coordinate pair.
drawPoint(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a single point.
drawPoint(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a single point.
drawPolygon(Point[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a polygon with given vertexes.
drawPolygon(Point[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a polygon with given vertexes.
drawRectangle(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a rectangle with given opposite corners.
drawRectangle(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a rectangle with given opposite corners.
drawText(String, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Displays the given text at the given position using the current font.
drawText(String, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Displays the given text at the given position using the current font.
drawText(String, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Displays the given text at the given user coordinates using the current font.
drawText(String, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Displays the given text at the given point using the current font.
dvd_mono - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.AudioFormats
PCM signed, 16 bit, mono, 44100 kHz, small endian
dvd_stereo - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.AudioFormats
PCM signed, 16 bit, stereo, 44100 kHz, small endian


EAST - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for east.
ellipse(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw an ellipse with center at the current graph position and given horizontal and vertical axes.
ellipse(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw an ellipse with center at the current graph position and given horizontal and vertical axes.
EMBEDDED - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Mode for a GPanel embedded in a top-level window (no longer supported).
enableFocus - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
enableRepaint(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Enable or disable the automatic repaint in graphics methods.
enableRepaint(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Enable or disable the automatic repaint in graphics methods.
end() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Hide the console window and releases resources.
enter - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Mouse cursor enters the window.
entered(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when the mouse cursor enters the item.
entered(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when the mouse cursor enters the item.
enumToStringArray(T[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the enumeration values as string array for the given enumeration.
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Checks if the given card has the same suit and rank as the current card (overrides Object.equals()).
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Checks whether the x-y-coordinates of the given location are equal to the x-y-coordinates of the current location (overrides Object.equals()).
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Check for the equality of this object with that of the argument.
erase() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Same as clear(), but remains the current graph position unchanged.
erase() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same as clear() but let the current graph position unchanged.
erase() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as clear() but let the current graph position unchanged.
ERROR - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Error line in status register of LPT port (at base address + 1).
exited(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when the mouse cursor leaves the item.
exited(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when the mouse cursor leaves the item.
ExitListener - Interface in ch.aplu.util
The listener interface for processing the GPanel's or Console's close button event.
extractCardsWithRank(R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a hand containing card clones from card of the current hand that have the given rank.
extractCardsWithSuit(T) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a hand containing card clones from card of the current hand that have the given suit.
extractPairs() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all hands with pairs (two cards with same rank) found in the current hand.
extractQuads() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all hands with quads (four cards with same rank) found in the current hand.
extractSequences(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all sequences found in the current hand with mixed suits with given length (>2).
extractSequences(T, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all sequences found in the current hand that have given suit with given length (>2).
extractTrips() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all hands with trips (three cards with same rank) found in the current hand.


f(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.ChirpWave
Declares a chirp wave of given start frequency.
f(double, double) - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.Waveform
Signature of the function to play
f(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SawtoothWave
Declares a sawtooth wave of given frequency with amplitude 1.
f(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SineWave
Declares a sine wave of given frequency: f = sin(omega*t).
f(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SquareWave
Declares a square wave of given frequency with amplitude 1.
f(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.TriangleWave
Declares a triangle wave of given frequency with amplitude 1.
FanLayout - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class to store the fan layout options for a hand.
FanLayout(Location, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Creates a FanLayout instance with given center, radius, start direction and end direction.
FilePath - Class in ch.aplu.util
FilePath is a helper class that simplifies file operations.
fill(Point2D.Double, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Change the color of the bounded region with the given internal point to the replacement color using the flood fill algorithm.
fill(double, double, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Change the color of the bounded region with the given internal point to the replacement color using the flood fill algorithm.
fill(Point2D.Double, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Change the color of the bounded region with the given internal point to the replacement color using the flood fill algorithm.
fill(Point2D.Double, String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Change the color of the bounded region with the given internal point to the replacement color using the flood fill algorithm.
fill(double, double, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Change the color of the bounded region with the given internal point to the replacement color using the flood fill algorithm.
fill(double, double, String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Change the color of the bounded region with the given internal point to the replacement color using the flood fill algorithm.
fillArc(Point, int, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Fills an arc with given center, radius, start angle and angle extent.
fillArc(Point, int, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Fills an arc with given center, radius, start and end angle.
fillArc(double, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled arc with center at the current graph position and given radius in window coordinates.
fillArc(double, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled arc with center at the current graph position and given radius in window coordinates.
fillCell(Location, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Fills a cell with given color.
fillCell(Location, Color, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Fills a cell with given color.
fillCircle(Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a filled circle with given center and given radius.
fillCircle(Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a filled circle with given center and given radius.
fillCircle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled circle with center at the current graph position and given radius in window coordinates using the current color.
fillCircle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled circle with center at the current graph position and given radius in window coordinates using the current color.
fillEllipse(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled ellipse with center at the current graph position and given horizontal and vertical axes.
fillEllipse(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled ellipse with center at the current graph position and given horizontal and vertical axes.
fillGeneralPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Fills a figure defined by the given GeneralPath.
fillGeneralPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Fills a figure defined by the given GeneralPath.
fillGeneralPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Fill a figure defined by the given GeneralPath (using window coordinates) using the current color.
fillGeneralPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Fill a figure defined by the given GeneralPath (using window coordinates) using the current color.
fillPolygon(Point[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a filled polygon with given vertexes.
fillPolygon(Point[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a filled polygon with given vertexes.
fillPolygon(double[], double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled polygon with given corner coordinates in window coordinates using the current color.
fillPolygon(Point2D.Double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled polygon with given corner points in window coordinates using the current color.
fillPolygon(double[], double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled polygon with given corner coordinates in window coordinates using the current color.
fillPolygon(Point2D.Double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled polygon with given corner points in window coordinates using the current color.
fillRectangle(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Draws a filled rectangle with given opposite corners.
fillRectangle(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Draws a filled rectangle with given opposite corners.
fillRectangle(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled rectangle with center at the current graph position and given width and height in window coordinates using the current color.
fillRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled rectangle with given opposite corners in window coordinates using the current color.
fillRectangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled rectangle with given opposite corner points in window coordinates using the current color.
fillRectangle(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled rectangle with center at the current graph position and given width and height in window coordinates using the current color.
fillRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled rectangle with given opposite corners in window coordinates using the current color.
fillRectangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled rectangle with given opposite corner points in window coordinates using the current color.
fillTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled triangle with given corner coordinates in window coordinates using the current color.
fillTriangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a filled triangle with given corners in window coordinates using the current color.
fillTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled triangle with given corner coordinates in window coordinates using the current color.
fillTriangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a filled triangle with given corners in window coordinates using the current color.
floodFill(BufferedImage, Point, Color, Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Fills a bounded single-colored region with the given color.
floodFill(BufferedImage, Point, Color, Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Fills a bounded single-colored region with the given color.
fm_mono - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.AudioFormats
PCM unsigned, 8 bit, mono, 22050 kHz, small endian
fm_stereo - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.AudioFormats
PCM unsigned, 8 bit, stereo, 22050 kHz, small endian
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Essentially for internal use only.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Essentially for internal use only.
font(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Select the given font for all following text operations.
font(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Select the given font for all following text operations.
Fullscreen - Class in ch.aplu.util
Construct a Size object that has the current fullscreen width and height.
Fullscreen() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Fullscreen
Construct a Fullscreen instance.
FULLSCREEN - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Instance of class Fullscreen.
FunctionPlayer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class to play audio clips based on mathematical functions.
FunctionPlayer(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.FunctionPlayer
Creates a FunctionPlayer with given audio format.
FunctionPlayer() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.FunctionPlayer
Creates a FunctionPlayer with format Audioformats.dvd_mono.


gameGrid - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
The reference to the GameGrid instance.
GameGrid - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to create a container where the actors live in.
GameGrid() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs the game playground with 10 by 10 cells (20 pixels wide).
GameGrid(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground of 10 by 10 cells (60 pixels wide) with possibly a navigation bar and a visible red grid but no background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with a navigation bar and no visible grid and no background image.
GameGrid(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window with one pixel cell size including a playground with no navigation bar, no visible grid and no background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with no visible grid and no background image, but possibly a navigation bar.
GameGrid(int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with a navigation bar and a possibly a background image, but no visible grid.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with a navigation bar and a possibly a visible grid, but no background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with a navigation bar, possibly a visible grid and possibly a background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including playground with possibly a navigation bar, possibly a visible grid and no background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color, String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with possibly a navigation bar, possibly a visible grid and possibly a background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with possibly a navigation bar, possibly a visible grid, possibly a background image and possibly no decoration.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with possibly a navigation bar, possibly a visible grid, and possibly a background image.
GameGrid(int, int, int, Color, String, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Constructs a game window including a playground with possibly a navigation bar, possibly a visible grid, possibly a background image and and possibly no decoration.
GameGrid.ClosingMode - Enum in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Modes to determine what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
GameGridBeanInfo - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
A bean info class derived from SimpleBeanInfo in order to restrict the visible properties of bean class GameGrid
GameGridBeanInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGridBeanInfo
GBitmap - Class in ch.aplu.util
GBitmap is a helper class derived from BufferedImage with some common bitmap transformation methods.
GBitmap(ColorModel, WritableRaster, boolean, Hashtable) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage with a specified ColorModel and Raster.
GBitmap(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage of one of the predefined image types.
GBitmap(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage of type BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB.
GBitmap(int, int, int, IndexColorModel) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Constructs a BufferedImage of one of the predefined image types: TYPE_BYTE_BINARY or TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED.
generalPath(GeneralPath, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a figure defined by the given GeneralPath.
generalPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a figure defined by the given GeneralPath (using window coordinates).
generalPath(GeneralPath) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a figure defined by the given GeneralPath (using window coordinates).
get(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns card reference of the card at index i of the card list or null if the hand is empty.
get4CompassDirectionTo(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns the compass direction restricted to 4 sectors from the current location the given location.
getAbout() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return copywrite information
getAbout() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return copywrite information.
getAbout() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return copywrite information.
getActors() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns all actors that are part of the game grid.
getActors(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns all actors of the specified class that are part of the game grid.
getActorsAt(Location, Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns all actors of given type at given location that are part of the game grid.
getActorsAt(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns all actors at the given location that are part of the game grid.
getAdjacentLocation(double, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Gets the adjacent location of a cell where a displacement arrow from the current center of the current cell with given direction and length = (distance + epsilon) * cellSize ends up.
getAdjacentLocation(Location.CompassDirection, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Same as getAdjacentLocation(double direction, int distance) with given compass direction.
getAdjacentLocation(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Same as getAdjacentLocation(double direction, 5).
getAdjacentLocation(Location.CompassDirection) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Same as getAdjacentLocation(double direction, 5) with given compass direction.
getAffineScale() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Perform scaling of the offscreen buffer to fit the image to the current window dimension.
getAreaSize() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the size of the occupied area (the frame window including navigation and status bar, if available).
getAvailableFontFamilies() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the available font families for the current platform.
getAvailableFontFamilies() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the available font families for the current platform.
getAvailableMixers() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return a list of the names of available mixers (sound devices).
getAvailableMixers() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Return a list of the names of available mixers (sound devices).
getBackground() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the GGBackground reference of the actor's game grid.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the color of the background
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the BufferedImage of the current background.
getBg() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a reference to the background of the game grid.
getBgColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the color of the background.
getBgColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the current background color.
getBgColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the current background color.
getBgColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the current background color.
getBgColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the current background color.
getBgColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the current background color.
getBgColorStr() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the current background X11 color name.
getBgImagePath() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns to path to the background image file.
getBgImagePos() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the x-y-coordinates of the upper left vertex of the background image with respect to the playground pixel coordinates.
getBgImagePosX() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the x-coordinate of the upper left vertex of the background image with respect to the playground pixel coordinates.
getBgImagePosY() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the y-coordinate of the upper left vertex of the background image with respect to the playground pixel coordinates.
getBoolean() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog with a yes/no button pair to get a boolean.
getBottomInset() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the bottom inset of the window (border width) in pixels.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the reference of the buffered image used as bitmap.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return a reference to the offscreen buffer created by GWindow's constructor.
getButtons() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Returns a list of all buttons added to the group.
getByteArray(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the image in a byte array. imageFormat is the informal name of the format (one of the strings returned by get SupportedImageFormats()).
getByteArray(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns the image in a byte array. imageFormat is the informal name of the format (one of the strings returned by get SupportedImageFormats()).
getCapturedBytes() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Return a reference to the internal sound recording buffer.
getCard() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardActor
Return the card the current card actor belongs to.
getCard(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns card reference of card in this hand with given card number.
getCard(T, R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns card reference of the card in this hand with given suit and rank.
getCardActor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the card actor reference of the card.
getCardAlignment() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Returns the current card alignment
getCardAlignment() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Returns the current card alignment
getCardAlignment() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Returns the current card alignment
getCardDimension() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returs the card dimensions of the card with suit and rank id zero.
getCardList() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the card list of the current hand.
getCardNumber() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the card number of the current card.
getCardNumber(T, R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the card number of the card with given suit and rank.
getCardOrientation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Returns the current card orientation.
getCardsWithRank(R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a list containing the card references of all cards with given rank.
getCardsWithSuit(T) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a list containing the card references of all cards with given suit.
getCardValues(Enum) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns an integer array of the card values in the given suit.
getCellSize() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the size of a cell (in pixels).
getCenter() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Returns the current center.
getCenter() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns a copy of the center of the circle.
getCenter() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns a vector that points to the center of the rectangle.
getCenter(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns the current center of tile at given map location with respect to the playground coordinate system (origin at upper left vertex, x-coordinate to the left, y-coordinate downwards).
getCircumradius() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns the circumradius of the rectangle.
getClosingMode() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the closing mode read from the gamegrid.properties file.
getCollisionActors() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns a list of partners that are collision candidates.
getCollisionActorsInRange(double, Class, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns all collision candidates who belongs to a given class whose collision areas of the image with given sprite id intersects the circle with specified radius.
getCollisionTiles() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns a list of tile locations that are collision candidates.
getColor(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the color of the pixel of the background at given point.
getColor(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the color of the pixel of the background at given cell's center.
getColor(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the color of the pixel of the background at given point.
getColorNames() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Returns the implemented X11 color names.
getColumnHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Returns the current column height.
getCompassDirectionTo(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns the compass direction restricted to 8 sectors from the current location the given location.
getContext() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the graphics device context of the background.
getContext() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the graphics device context used for drawing operations.
getCurrentHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the height of the client area in user coordinates.
getCurrentImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the buffered image of the currently visible sprite picture.
getCurrentPos() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the current position (in frames from beginning).
getCurrentTime() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the current time (in ms from beginning).
getCurrentWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the width of the client area in user coordinates.
getDeck() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the deck reference attributed to this card.
getDesktopProperties() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the property names of available system properties.
getDiagonalLocations(Location, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list of all grid locations that are on the diagonal line through the given location.
getDialog() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Return the dialog.
getDialog() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Return the dialog.
getDialog() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Return the dialog.
getDialog() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Return the dialog.
getDimension() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the current card dimension (scaling accounted).
getDirection() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Gets the current direction.
getDirection() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Direction of edges[0], zero to west, clockwise 0..2*pi
getDirection() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns the direction of the vector (range 0..2*pi)
getDirection() - Method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location.CompassDirection
Returns the direction in degrees (0 to east, clockwise).
getDirection() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns the direction of the vector (range 0..2*pi)
getDirectionStart() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the start direction.
getDirectionTo(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns the direction from the current location to the given location.
getDisplacePosition() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the current displace position.
getDistanceTo(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns the distance from the current location to the given location (in cellsize units, rounded to integer).
getDividingPoint(Point, Point, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns the point on the line through the point pt1 and the point pt2 that is in distance ratio times the length from pt1 to pt2 from pt1.
getDividingPoint(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Returns the point on the line through the point pt1 and the point pt2 that is in distance ratio times the length from pt1 to pt2 from pt1.
getDouble() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as readDouble() but returns a Double object.
getDouble() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to get a double value.
getDoubleClickDelay() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the current double-click delay.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
Gets the property value with the given key as double.
getEdges() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns a GGVector array with 4 GGVectors whoses values are copies of the original edges.
getEmptyLocations() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list of all locations not occupied by actors.
getEnableFocus() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return true, if the focus is enabled; otherwise false.
getEndDir() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Returns the current end direction.
getEndPoint() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns the end point (GGVector components casted to int).
getEndVector() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns the end vector.
getEvent() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Retrieves the current event type as integer.
getEventType() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Returns the event type as string.
getExitLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMaze
Returns the location of the exit cell.
getFilename() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarItem
Returns the filename of the sprite image.
getFirst() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns card reference of the first card or null if the hand is empty.
getFormat() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return AudioFormat of player's (decoded) resource.
getFormat() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Return the current audio format.
getFrame() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the JFrame reference of the surrounding window.
getFrame() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return a reference to the JFrame instance used by the console
getFrameRate() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return frame rate (number of frames per seconds) of player's (decoded) resource.
getFrameSize() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return frame size (nb of bytes per sound sample) of player's (decoded) resource.
getGridColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the color of the grid.
getHand() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the hand the card belongs to.
getHandLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a clone of the hand location.
getHandLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.HandLayout
Returns the current hand location.
getHeapSize() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the current memory heap size.
getHeight(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the height of the sprite with given id.
getHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns the height of the rectangle.
getHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Size
Return height.
getHeigth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns total height (in pixels units) of the tile map.
getIdVisible() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the id of the visible sprite.
getImage(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the buffered image of the originally loaded sprite with given sprite id.
getImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the buffered image of the originally loaded sprite with id = 0.
getImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the BufferedImage of the current GameGrid window including the background and all actors.
getImage(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Retrieves the image either from the jar resource, from local drive or from a internet server From the given filename the image file is searched in the following order:
- if application is packed into a jar archive, relative to the root of the jar archive
- relative to the directory <userhome>/gamegrid/
- relative or absolute to current application directory
- if filename starts with http://, from the given URL
- add prefix _ and search relative to the root of the jar archive
getImage(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Retrieve the image either from the jar resource, from local drive or from a internet server.
getImg() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Get method for imaginary part.
getInt() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as readInt() but returns an Integer object.
getInt() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to get an integer value.
getIntDirection() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Gets the current direction rounded to the next integer.
getIntValue(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
Gets the property value with the given key as int.
getItem(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Returns the tool bar item actor at the specified index of the item list.
getItemId() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Returns the id of the item currently shown.
getKey() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return the unicode character associated with last key pressed and flush the one-charactor buffer.
getKey() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the unicode character associated with last key typed.
getKeyChar() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the character of the last key pressed and removes it from the one-key buffer.
getKeyCharWait() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Waits until a key is pressed and then returns the character of the last key pressed and removes it from the one-key buffer.
getKeyCode() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the key code of the last key pressed and removes it from the one-key buffer.
getKeyCode() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return the keycode associated with last key pressed and flush the one-character buffer.
getKeyCode() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the keycode associated with last key pressed.
getKeyCodeWait() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Waits until a key is pressed and then eeturns the key code of the last key pressed and removes it from the one-key buffer.
getKeyCodeWait() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Wait until a key is typed and return the keycode associated with last key pressed.
getKeyCodeWait() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Wait until a key is typed and return the keycode associated with last key pressed.
getKeyModifiers() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the key modifier of the last key pressed.
getKeyModifiersText() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the key modifier as text of the last key pressed.
getKeyWait() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Wait until a key is typed and return the unicode character associated with last key pressed.
getKeyWait() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Wait until a key is typed and return the unicode character associated with it.
getLast() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns card reference of the last card or null if the hand is empty.
getLastKey() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return the key character associated with last key pressed.
getLastKeyCode() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return the key code associated with last key pressed.
getLastModifiers() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return the modifiers associated with last key pressed.
getLastModifiersText() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return the modifiers text associated with last key pressed.
getLayout() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the reference of the current HandLayout.
getLeftInset() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the left inset of the window (border width) in pixels.
getLineLocations(Location, Location, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list of cell grid locations whose cell centers are exactly on the the line through the centers of loc1 and loc1.
getLineWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the current line width in pixels.
getLineWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the current line width in pixels.
getLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the current location (horizontal and vertical coordinates).
getLocationOffset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the pixel offset in x- and y-direction relative to the current location.
getLocationStart() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the start location (horizontal and vertical coordinates).
getLong() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to get a long value.
getMaxPosition(Hand.SortType) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Compares the cards in the card list using the given compare type.
getMixerIndex() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
getMixerIndex() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
getModifiers() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the modifiers associated with last key pressed.
getModifiersText() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the modifiers text description associated with last key pressed.
getMono(AudioInputStream) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the sound data of the given AudioInputStream in a integer array.
getMouseLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the cell location of the cell under the mouse pointer or null, if the game grid is not visible or obscured by another window.
getMP3Info() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Return string with extended MP3 file information.
getNbCycles() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the number of simulation cycles since last reset.
getNbCycles() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the number of simulation cycles since last reset.
getNbFiles(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Returns number of files (subdirectories are not counted) in given directory.
getNbFiles(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Returns number of files (subdirectories are not counted) in given directory.
getNbHorzCells() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns number of cells of actor's game grid in horizontal direction.
getNbHorzCells() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the horizontal number of cells.
getNbHorzPix() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the horizontal number of pixels of the playground.
getNbHorzTiles() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns the number of horizontal tiles.
getNbSprites() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns number of sprites.
getNbVertCells() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns number of cells of actor's game grid in vertical direction.
getNbVertCells() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the vertical number of cells.
getNbVertPix() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the vertical number of pixels of the playground.
getNbVertTiles() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns the number of vertical tiles.
getNeighbourLocation(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Gets one of the 8 surrounding cells in given direction 45 degrees wide.
getNeighbourLocation(Location.CompassDirection) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Gets one of the 8 surrounding cells in the given compass directions.
getNeighbourLocations(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns all locations in a specified distance.
getNeighbours(double, Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns all actors of specified class in a specified distance.
getNeighbours(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns all actors in a specified distance.
getNextMoveLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the target location of the next move().
getNormalized() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector with magnitude 1 in the direction of the given vector.
getNormalized() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector with magnitude 1 in the direction of the given vector.
getNumberOfActors() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns total number of actors in the scene.
getNumberOfActors(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns number of actors of specified class.
getNumberOfActorsAt(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns number of actors at specified location.
getNumberOfActorsAt(Location, Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns number of actors of specified class at specified location.
getNumberOfCards() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the total number of cards in this deck.
getNumberOfCards() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the number of cards in the current hand.
getNumberOfCardsWithRank(R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the number of cards of given rank in the current hand.
getNumberOfCardsWithSuit(T) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the number of cards of given suit in the current hand.
getNumberOfRanks() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the number of ranks in this deck.
getNumberOfSprites() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarItem
Returns the number of sprite images specified for this actor.
getNumberOfSuits() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the number of suits in this deck.
getOccupiedLocations() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list of all locations occupied by actors.
getOffG2D() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the Graphics2D context of the offscreen buffer
getOffG2D() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the Graphics2D context of the offscreen buffer
getOffG2D() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the Graphics2D context of the offscreen buffer created by GWindow's constructor.
getOneActor(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the actor of the specified class that is part of the game grid and is on top in the paint order.
getOneActorAt(Location, Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the actor of the specified class at the specified location that is part of the game grid and is on top in the paint order.
getOneActorAt(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the actor at the specified location that is part of the game grid and is on top in the paint order.
getPaintColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Returns the current paint color.
getPaintColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns the current paint color.
getPaintOrderList(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list with actor references of the given class in the order they are painted.
getPaintOrderList() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list with actor references in the order they are painted.
getPairs() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all pairs (two cards with same rank) found in the current hand.
getPane() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the GPane container that holds the graphics.
getPanel() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a reference to the GGPanel with current settings.
getPanel(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the coordinate system in GGPanel to given range and returns a reference to the GGPanel of the game grid.
getPath() - Method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGSound
Returns the path to the sound file.
getPenColor() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the color of the pen.
getPgHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the height (vertical size) of the playground in pixel units.
getPgWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the width (horizontal size) of the playground in pixel units.
getPixelColor(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the color of the currently visible sprite image at given pixel position ((0,0) at upper left vertex, x-axis to the right, y-axis downwards).
getPixelColor(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns the color of the pixel at given x,y coordinates.
getPixelColor(int[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns the color of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
getPixelColor(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the color of the pixel at given window coordinates.
getPixelColor(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the color of the pixel at given point (in window coordinates).
getPixelColor(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the color of the pixel at given window coordinates.
getPixelColor(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the color of the pixel at given point (in window coordinates).
getPixelColor(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the color of the screen pixel at given location.
getPixelColorStr(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns the X11 color name of the pixel at given x,y coordinates.
getPixelColorStr(int[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns the X11 color name of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
getPixelColorStr(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the X11 color name of the pixel at given window coordinates.
getPixelColorStr(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the X11 color name of the pixel at given point (in window coordinates).
getPixelLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the location of the actor center in pixel coordinates taking into account the current location offset (default offset is 0).
getPopupHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the height of the window in user coordinates when it was created.
getPopupWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the width of the window in user coordinates when it was created.
getPos() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return reference to point of current graph position (in window coordinates).
getPos() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return reference to point of current graph position (in window coordinates).
getPosition() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the the location in screen coordiantes of game grid window.
getPosition() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns current position of upper left vertex with respect to the playground coordinate system (origin at upper left vertex, x-coordinate to the left, y-coordinate downwards).
getPosX() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return window coordinate x of current graph position.
getPosX() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return window coordinate x of current graph position.
getPosY() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return window coordinate y of current graph position.
getPosY() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return window coordinate y of current graph position.
getPressedKeyCodes() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list of the key codes of all keys currently pressed
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGridBeanInfo
Return the descriptor of visible properties.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPaneBeanInfo
Return the descriptor of visible properties.
getQuads() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all quads (four cards with same rank) found in the current hand.
getRadius() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Returns the current radius.
getRadius() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns the radius of the circle.
getRandomColor() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Returns a random color from the X11 color set.
getRandomColorStr() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Returns a random X11 color from the X11 color set.
getRandomDirection() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a random direction 0..360 degrees.
getRandomEmptyLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns an empty random location within the game grid.
getRandomLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a random location within the game grid.
getRank() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the card's rank
getRank(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the rank corresponding the given rank id.
getRankId() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the card's rank id.
getRankId(R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns an integer id of the given rank (0: for rank with highest priority)
getRankId(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the rank id for the given card number.
getRankName(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the rank name as string for the given card number The cards are numbered from 0 in the suit and rank priority order given when the deck is created (the following numbering is used: all card from high to low rank of the cards in the highest priority suit, in the next suit, etc.)
getReal() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Get method for real part.
getRightInset() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the right inset of the window (border width) in pixels.
getRotatedPosition(GGVector, Point, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns a new position vector of given position vector rotated with given center point by given angle.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the current rotation angle.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Returns the current rotation angle.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Returns the current rotation angle.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.StackLayout
Returns the current rotation angle.
getRotationIndex() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the current rotation index for rotatable actors.
getRowWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Returns the current row width.
getSamples(double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundReader
getScaledImage(int, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the sprite image scaled by the given factor and rotated to the given angle.
getScaledImage(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as getScaledImage(int spriteId, double factor, double angle) with spriteId = 0.
getScaledImage(BufferedImage, double, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Deprecated. Use GGBitmap.getScaledImage instead. GGBitmap.getScaledImage(BufferedImage bi, double factor, double angle)
getScaledImage(String, double, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Retrieves the image either from the jar resource, from local drive or from a internet server and transforms it by scaling it by the given factor and rotating it by the given angle.
getScaledImage(BufferedImage, double, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Transforms the given buffered image by scaling by the given factor and rotating by the given angle.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the current scale (zoom) factor.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.HandLayout
Returns the current scale factor.
getScaleX() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the current magnification factor of horizontal window size.
getScaleY() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the current magnification factor of vertical window size.
getScore() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the sum of the card values (card points) of all card in the hand.
getScreenHeight() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Get the height of the screen (in pixels).
getScreenWidth() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Get the width of the screen (in pixels).
getSeedActor(T, R) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the JGameGrid actor attributed to the card with the specified suit and rank.
getSelectedButton() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Returns the currently selected button.
getSelectedButtonId() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Returns the id of the currently selected button.
getSelectedItemIds() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Returns an array with length equals to the number of stacks.
getSelectedStacks() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Returns an array of all stacks that have the current item selected.
getSequences(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all sequences found in the current hand with mixed suits with given length (>2).
getSequences(T, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all sequences found in the current hand that have given suit with given length (>2).
getSimulationPeriod() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the current simulation period.
getSlideStep() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Returns the curren slide step (steps per simulation cycle to move the card in an animated transfer).
getSlowDown() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the current slow down factor.
getSortType() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the compare type for cards used for sorting.
getSource() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Retrieves the GGMouseListener reference that created the event.
getStackTrace(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Implementation of the GGExceptionHandler's event method called when an uncaught exception is thrown.
getStartDir() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Returns the current start direction.
getStartLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMaze
Returns the location of the entry cell.
getStartPoint() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns the start point (GGVector components casted to int).
getStartVector() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns the start vector.
getStepDelay() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Returns the current step delay.
getStepDelay() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Returns the current step delay.
getStepDelay() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Returns the current step delay.
getStereo(AudioInputStream) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the sound data in given AudioInputStream in a integer array.
getStereoSamples(double[], double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundReader
getString() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to get a string value (same as readString()).
getStringValue(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
Gets the property value with the given key as string.
getSuit() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the card's suit.
getSuit(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the suit corresponding the given suit id.
getSuitId() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the card's suit id.
getSuitId(T) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns an integer id of the given suit (0: for suit with highest priority)
getSuitId(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the suit id for the card with the given card number.
getSuitName(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the suit name as string for the card with the given card number.
getSupportedImageFormats() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns all supported image formats.
getSupportedImageFormats() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns all supported image formats.
getTargetArea() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a reference to the current target area.
getTargetLocation() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Returns a clone of the current target location.
getTextActor() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Returns the current TextActor used for this text field.
getTextArea() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return a reference to the JTextArea of the console window
getTextHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Returns the height of the text.
getTextHeight() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.TextActor
Returns the height of the text.
getTextWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Returns the total width of the text.
getTextWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.TextActor
Returns the total width of the text.
getTileMap() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the reference to the GGTileMap.
getTime() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Return the current time in microseconds (us).
getTime() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Return the current timer's value in microseconds (us).
getTotalNbSamples() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundReader
Return the number of samples of all channels
getTouchedActors(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns a list with actor references of all actors of the given class whose touched area (of type IMAGE, RECTANGLE or CIRCLE) intersects with the current mouse cursor location.
getTrips() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns all trips (three cards with same rank) found in the current hand.
getUlx() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Position
Return x-coordinate.
getUly() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Position
Return y-coordinate.
getUpperLeftVertex(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns the current coordinates of the upper left vertex of tile at given map location with respect to the playground coordinate system (origin at upper left vertex, x-coordinate to the left, y-coordinate downwards).
getValue() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns the value of the card.
getVersion() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns current version information.
getVersion() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return version information
getVersion() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return version information.
getVersion() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return version information.
getVertexes() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns the vertexes of the line (startVector, endVector).
getVertexes() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns a GGVector array with 4 GGVectors whoses values are copies of the original vertexes.
getVolume() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the current volume (range 0..1000).
getWavInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the audio file format information.
getWavMono(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the sound data of the given WAV file in a integer array.
getWavRaw(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the raw byte data of the give WAV file.
getWavStereo(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the sound data of the given WAV file in a integer array.
getWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the width of the sprite with given id.
getWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns the width of the rectangle.
getWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns total width (in pixels units) of the tile map.
getWidth() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Size
Return width.
getWindow() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return a reference to the GWindow used by the GPane.
getWindow() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return a reference to the GWindow used by the GPanel.
getX() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the current horizontal coordinate.
getX() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Retrieves the current x-coordinate of the mouse cursor with respect to the upper left corner of the visible area in pixels.
getX() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Gets the horizontal cell coordinate (index).
getXmax() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Returns the right value of the x-coordinate axis.
getXmax() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the xmax range value.
getXmin() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Returns the left value of the x-coordinate axis.
getXmin() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the ymin range value.
getXStart() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the x-coordinate of the start location.
getY() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the current vertical coordinate.
getY() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Retrieves the current y-coordinate of the mouse cursor with respect to the upper left corner of the visible area in pixels.
getY() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Gets the vertical cell coordinate (index).
getYmax() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Returns the top value of the y-coordinate axis.
getYmax() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the ymax range value.
getYmin() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Returns the bottom value of the y-coordinate axis.
getYmin() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the ymin range value.
getYStart() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the y-coordinate of the start location.
GGActListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called in every simulation cycle.
GGActorCollisionListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when two actors collide.
GGBackground - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class for drawing into the GameGrid background using Java Graphics2D methods.
GGBitmap - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide drawing methods for creating a bitmap image and some static helper methods for image loading and transformation.
GGBitmap(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Creates a GGBitmap with given number of horizontal and vertical pixels that holds a Bitmap instance to draw graphics elements.
GGBitmap(int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Creates a GGBitmap with given number of horizontal and vertical pixels that holds a Bitmap instance to draw graphics elements.
GGBorderListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when the actor is at a border cell.
GGButton - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements a button actor with standard behavior.
GGButton(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButton
Creates a button from the given sprite images.
GGButton(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButton
Same as GGButton(String buttonImage, false) (no rollover).
GGButtonBase - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Abstract superclass of all button types.
GGButtonListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when a push button is pressed, released or clicked using the left mouse button.
GGButtonOverListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when the move enters and exits the active mouse area of a push or toggle button.
GGCheckButton - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements a check button actor with standard behavior.
GGCheckButton(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Creates a unchecked check button with the given text annotation, black text and white background colors.
GGCheckButton(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Creates a check button with the given text annotation, black text and and white background colors.
GGCheckButton(String, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Creates a unchecked check button with the given text annotation and given text and background colors.
GGCheckButton(String, Color, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Creates a check button with the given text annotation and given text and background colors.
GGCheckButtonListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when a check button changes state caused by a mouse click.
GGCircle - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class representing a circle in the x-y-plane with a center vector and a radius (all doubles).
GGCircle(GGVector, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Constructs a circle with given center and radius.
GGCircle(double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Constructs a circle at (0, 0) with given radius.
GGCircle() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Constructs a circle at (0, 0) with radius = 0.
GGCircle(GGCircle) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Constructs a new circle with the same center and radius as the given circle.
GGExitListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declaration of a notification method called when the title bar close button is hit.
GGInputDouble - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane with type verification.
GGInputDouble(String, String, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputDouble
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and initial value.
GGInputDouble(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputDouble
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and no initial value.
GGInputInt - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane with type verification.
GGInputInt(String, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputInt
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and initial value.
GGInputInt(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputInt
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and no initial value.
GGInputLong - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane with type verification.
GGInputLong(String, String, long) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputLong
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and initial value.
GGInputLong(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputLong
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and no initial value.
GGInputString - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide a modal dialog with one text field and a Ok and Cancel button based on JOptionPane.
GGInputString(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputString
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and initial value.
GGInputString(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputString
Creates a modal dialog with given title, prompt and no initial value.
GGKeyAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Implementation of empty methods of GGKeyListener.
GGKeyAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGKeyAdapter
GGKeyListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when a key is pressed or released.
GGKeyRepeatListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of a notification method called when a key is pressed and held down.
GGLine - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class representing a line segment.
GGLine(GGLine) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Creates a new GGLine from given GGLine.
GGLine(GGVector, GGVector) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Creates a new GGLine from given start and end point.
GGLine(GGVector[]) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Creates a new GGLine from given start and end point vertexes.
GGMaze - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
This class creates a random maze in a two-dimensional grid of cells.
GGMaze(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMaze
Creates a new random maze with given number of horizontal an vertical cells.
GGMouse - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Singleton class used to report mouse events.
GGMouseListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called by mouse events.
GGMouseTouchListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when the mouse interacts with the actor's mouse touch area.
GGNavigationAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Implementation of empty methods of GGNavigationListener.
GGNavigationAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationAdapter
GGNavigationListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when the navigation panel is used.
GGPanel - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class derived from GGBackground with a user-definable double coordinate system.
GGPath - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
GGPath is a helper class that simplifies file operations.
GGProgressBar - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements a progress bar indicator.
GGProgressBar(GameGrid, Location, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Creates a horizontal progress bar with default properties.
GGProgressBar(GameGrid, Location, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Creates a horizontal or vertical progress bar with default properties.
GGProperties - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Helper class to simplify storage and retrieval of persistent data.
GGProperties(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
Creates a GGProperties instance with given path to the properties file.
GGRadioButton - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements a radio button actor with standard behavior.
GGRadioButton(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Creates a deselected radio button with the given text annotation, black text and white background colors.
GGRadioButton(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Creates a radio button with the given text annotation, black text and and white background colors.
GGRadioButton(String, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Creates a deselected radio button with the given text annotation and given text and background colors.
GGRadioButton(String, Color, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Creates a radio button with the given text annotation and given text and background colors.
GGRadioButtonGroup - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
A radio button group contains a certain number of radio buttons.
GGRadioButtonGroup() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Creates a GGRadioButtonGroup instance that contains no button.
GGRadioButtonGroup(GGRadioButton...) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButtonGroup
Creates a GGRadionButton instance that contains the given GGRadioButtons.
GGRadioButtonListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when a radio button changes state caused by a mouse click.
GGRectangle - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class representing a rotatable rectangle.
GGRectangle(GGRectangle) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Creates a new GGRectangle from given GGRectangle.
GGRectangle(GGVector[]) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Creates a new GGRectangle from given vertexes.
GGRectangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Creates a new GGRectangle from given 8 x-y-coordinates.
GGRectangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Creates a new GGRectangle from given 4 vertex points.
GGRectangle(GGVector, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Creates a new GGRectangle from given center, direction, width and height.
GGRectangle(Rectangle) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Creates a new GGRectangle from given java.awt.Rectangle.
GGResetListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when the reset button is hit.
GGSound - Enum in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Enumeration of all system sounds.
GGTextField - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide a dynamically created line of text shown in a game grid window.
GGTextField(GameGrid, String, Location, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Creates a GGTextField instance with standard attributes.
GGTextField(GameGrid, Location, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Creates a GGTextField with standard attributes and no text.
GGTileCollisionListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when two actors collide.
GGTileMap - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements a tile map, e.g. an arragement of rectangular images of the same size like tiles on a floor.
GGToggleButton - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements a toggle button (2-state button) actor with standard behavior.
GGToggleButton(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Creates a button from the given sprite images.
GGToggleButton(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Same as GGToggleButton(String buttonImage, boolean isRollover, false) (untoggled).
GGToggleButton(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Same as GGToggleButton(String buttonImage, false, false) (no rollover, untoggled).
GGToggleButtonListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declarations of the notification method called when a toggle button changes state caused by a mouse click.
GGVector - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class representing a two-dimensional vector with double coordinates (x, y).
GGVector() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Constructs a zero vector (with coordinates (0, 0)).
GGVector(Point) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Constructs a vector from integer coordinates using jawa.awt.Point.
GGVector(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Constructs a vector from given integer x-y-coordinates.
GGVector(float, float) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Constructs a vector from given float x-y-coordinates.
GGVector(double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Constructs a vector from given double x-y-coordinates.
GGWindowStateAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Implementation of empty methods of GGWindowStateListener.
GGWindowStateAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateAdapter
GGWindowStateListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declaration of notifications method that reports when the state of the window changes.
GPane - Class in ch.aplu.util
Simple graphics window of similar to GPanel to be used as component in a top-level window (JFrame, JDialog, Browswer window, etc.) using a coordinate system with x-axis from left to right, y-axis from bottom to top (called window coordinates, default range 0..1, 0..1).
GPane() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Create a GPane to be used as embedded graphics component with default size 100x100 pixels.
GPane(Size) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Create a GPane to be used as embedded graphics component with given size.
GPane(Size, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Create a GPane with given size.
GPaneBeanInfo - Class in ch.aplu.util
A bean info class derived from SimpleBeanInfo in order to restrict the visible properties of bean class GPane.
GPaneBeanInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPaneBeanInfo
GPanel - Class in ch.aplu.util
Simple graphics window of default size 501x501 pixels (client drawing area) using a coordinate system with x-axis from left to right, y-axis from bottom to top (called window coordinates, default range 0..1, 0..1).
GPanel(int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Construct a GPanel for special purposes.
GPanel(int, Size) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given mode and window size (client area).
GPanel() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Construct a GPanel and show the window.
GPanel(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given visibility.
GPanel(Size) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given window size (client area).
GPanel(JMenuBar) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() but show given menuBar.
GPanel(JMenuBar, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given menuBar and visibility.
GPanel(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given title.
GPanel(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given title and visibility.
GPanel(String, JMenuBar) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given title and menuBar.
GPanel(String, JMenuBar, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given title, menuBar and visibility.
GPanel(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Construct a GPanel with given window coordinates
GPanel(double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given window coordinates and visibility.
GPanel(JMenuBar, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) with given menuBar.
GPanel(JMenuBar, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given menuBar, window coordinates and visibility.
GPanel(String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) with given title.
GPanel(String, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given title, window coordinates and visibility.
GPanel(String, JMenuBar, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) with given title and menuBar.
GPanel(String, JMenuBar, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given title, menuBar, window coordinates and visibility.
GPanel(Size, String, JMenuBar, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as GPanel() with given window size (client area), title, menuBar, window coordinates and visibility.
GPanel.ClosingMode - Enum in ch.aplu.util
GPrintable - Interface in ch.aplu.util
Interface for printing on an attached printer.
GRAY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.GRAY.
GREEN - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.GREEN.
gridColor - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Color of the grid.
GVector - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class representing a two-dimensional vector with double coordinates (x, y).
GVector() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Constructs a zero vector (with coordinates (0, 0)).
GVector(Point) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Constructs a vector from integer coordinates using jawa.awt.Point.
GVector(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Constructs a vector from given integer x-y-coordinates.
GVector(float, float) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Constructs a vector from given float x-y-coordinates.
GVector(double, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Constructs a vector from given double x-y-coordinates.
GWindow - Class in ch.aplu.util
Simple screen window with an event handler to exit the application when clicking the close button in the title bar.
GWindow() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Construct a GWindow with default title and size.
GWindow(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Same as GWindow() with given title.
GWindow(String, Size) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Same as GWindow() with given title and size of client window.
GWindow(String, Position, Size) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Same as GWindow() with given title, position and size of client window.
GWindow(Position, Size, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Same as GWindow(), but titlebar may be omited.


halt() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Create a QuitPane dialog, if it's not yet done.
halt(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Same as halt(), but if exit = false clicking the title bar's close button acts the same as clicking the Quit button (System.exit(0) will not be called anymore).
Hand - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Representation of a card set.
Hand(Deck) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Creates a hand instance with game cards from the given deck.
Hand.CardAlignment - Enum in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Card alignment used when hand is drawn using drawRow(), drawColumn()
Hand.SortType - Enum in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Compare type used for the compareTo() implementation.
HandLayout - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Base class of hand layouts.
HandLayout() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.HandLayout
hashCode() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hide() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Turns off the visiblity of this actor (all sprites are hidden, spriteId = -1).
hide() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Hides the game grid, but does not destroy it.
hide() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Hides the text.
hide() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Hide the console window.
hide() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Hide the console window.
HiResAlarmTimer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Alarm timer with high resolution.
HiResAlarmTimer(long) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HiResAlarmTimer
Construct a alarm timer instance with better than 1 microsecond resolution on most systems and set its preset time in microseconds (us).
HiResAlarmTimer(long, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HiResAlarmTimer
Same as HiResAlarmTimer(alarmTime), but the timer starts immediately if autostart is true.
HiResAlarmTimer(long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HiResAlarmTimer
Same as HiResAlarmTimer(alarmTime, autostart), but most methods calls Thread.yield() automatically, if yield is true.
HiResTimer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Timer with high resolution.
HiResTimer() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HiResTimer
Construct a HiResTimer object and set its time to zero.
HiResTimer(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HiResTimer
Same as HiResTimer(), but the timer starts immediately if autostart is true.
HiResTimer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HiResTimer
Same as HiResTimer(autostart), but most methods calls Thread.yield() automatically, if yield is true.
HtmlPane - Class in ch.aplu.util
HtmlPane() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Construct a HtmlPane with default size and position.
HtmlPane(Position, Size) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Construct a HtmlPane with given position and size.


ICON_EXCLAMATION - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
URL to display the exclamation icon.
idle - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
No mouse event occured.
image(BufferedImage, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws the given image into the background buffer.
image(BufferedImage) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws the given image at position (0, 0) into the background buffer.
image(String, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Show the GIF image from given file path at x, y window coordinates (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(String, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Show the GIF image from given file path at given point(in window coordinates) (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(BufferedImage, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Show the GIF image from given BufferedImage at x, y window coordinates (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(BufferedImage, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Show the GIF image from given BufferedImage at given point(in window coordinates) (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(String, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Show the GIF image from given file path at given window coordinates (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(String, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Show the GIF image from given file path at given point(in window coordinates) (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(BufferedImage, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Show the GIF image from given BufferedImage at x, y window coordinates (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
image(BufferedImage, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Show the GIF image from given BufferedImage at given point(in window coordinates) (specifies lowerleft corner of image).
imageHeight(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the height (vertical size) of the GIF image from the given path (in window coordinates).
imageHeight(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the height (vertical size) of the GIF image from the given path (in window coordinates).
imageWidth(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return the width (horizontal size) of the GIF image from the given path (in window coordinates).
imageWidth(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the width (horizontal size) of the GIF image from the given path (in window coordinates).
img - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
init() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
If no console was created before, create a new Console instance with default attributes and returns a reference to it; otherwise return the existing Console reference and show the exiting console window if it was hidden (content is erased).
init(Position, Size) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
If no console was created before, create a new Console instance with given position and size and returns a reference to it; otherwise return the existing Console reference and show the exiting console window with new position and size.
init(Font) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
If no console was created before, create a new Console instance with given font and returns a reference to it; otherwise return the existing Console reference and use the given font.
init(Position, Size, Font) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
If no console was created before, create a new Console instance with given position, size, font and returns a reference to it; otherwise return the existing Console reference and use the position, size and font.
init(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Redirect all output to stdout and stderr to a text file with the given filename.
init(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Create a QuitPane dialog, if it's not yet done with the given visibility.
init() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Same as init(true).
INITRESET - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Init/Reset line in control register of LPT port (at base address + 2).
initw() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as init() but enable autowrapping.
initw(Position, Size) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as init(Position position, Size size), but enable autowrapping.
initw(Font) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as init(Font font) but enable autowrapping.
initw(Position, Size, Font) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as init(Position position, Size size, Font font) but enable autowrapping.
InputDialog - Class in ch.aplu.util
Modal input dialog.
InputDialog() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Construct dialog with default title and prompt.
InputDialog(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Construct dialog with given title and prompt.
insert(Hand, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Inserts all cards of the given hand in the current hand (reference copy) and sets the hand of the cards to the current hand.
insert(Card, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Inserts the given card in the current hand (reference copy) and sets the hand of the given card to the current hand.
insert(int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Creates a new card with given card number and inserts it in the current hand.
insert(T, R, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Creates a new card with given suit and rank and inserts it in the current hand.
insertText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Insert HTML formatted text.
insertUrl(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Insert HTML from given URL.
invert() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector with inverted coordinates.
invert() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector with inverted coordinates.
isActEnabled() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if act() is invoked in every simulation cycle.
isActorColliding(Actor, Actor) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Checks if the two given actors are colliding.
isActorCollisionEnabled() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if collision notification between actors is enabled.
isAtBorder(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if the given cell location is at the grid border.
isChecked() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Returns the current state of the button.
isDirectoryEmpty(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Returns true, if the directory is empty (no files and no subdirectories).
isDirectoryEmpty(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Returns true, if the directory is empty (no files and no subdirectories).
isDisposed() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true if closing mode DisposeOnClose is selected and the close button was hit.
isDisposed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return true, if the Console windows was disposed or released.
isDisposed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return true, if the window was disposed or released.
isDisposed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return true, if the window was disposed or released.
isDisposed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.HtmlPane
Return true, if the HtmlPane window was disposed.
isDisposed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
If in aplu_util.properties the MessagePaneClosingMode key is set to DisposeOnClose, the dialog is disposed when the close title button is clicked and this method returns true
isDisposed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Return true, if in aplu_util.properties the ModelessOptionPaneClosingMode key is set to DisposeOnClose and the close button is clicked or after dispose() is called.
isEmpty() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns true, if the card list of the current hand is empty.
isEmpty(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if there is no actor at specified location.
isEnabled() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonBase
Returns true if button is enabled.
isEqual(GGCircle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns true, if the current circle is identical to the given circle.
isEqual(GGRectangle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns true, if the current rectangle is identical to the given rectangle.
isEqual(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns true, if the current vector is identical to the given vector.
isEqual(GVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns true, if the current vector is identical to the given vector.
isHorzMirror() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the horizontal mirroring state.
isInGrid() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if the actor's location is inside the grid.
isInGrid(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if the given cell location is within the grid.
isInHand(Hand) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns true, if the current card is part of the given hand.
isIntersecting(GGCircle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns true if the current circle intersects with the given circle.
isIntersecting(GGRectangle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns true if the current circle intersects with the given rectangle.
isIntersecting(Rectangle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns true if the current circle intersects with the given java.awt.Rectangle.
isIntersecting(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns true if the given points is part of the circle area.
isIntersecting(GGVector, double, BufferedImage, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns true, if area of the current circle intersects the non-transparant area of the given image.
isIntersecting(GGLine) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns true if the current line segment intersects with the given line segment.
isIntersecting(GGVector, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns true if the given point is part of the line segment.
isIntersecting(GGCircle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns true if the current line intersects with the given circle.
isIntersecting(GGVector, double, BufferedImage, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns true, if at least one point of the line segment (casted to int values) points to a non-transparant pixel of the given image.
isIntersecting(GGRectangle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns true if the current rectangle intersects with the given rectangle.
isIntersecting(GGLine) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns true if the current rectangle intersects with the given line segment.
isIntersecting(GGCircle) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns true if the current rectangle intersects with the given circle.
isIntersecting(GGVector, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns true if the given points is part of the rectangle area.
isIntersecting(GGVector, double, BufferedImage, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns true, if the current vector (casted to int values) points to a non-transparant pixel of the given image.
isIntersecting(GVector, double, BufferedImage, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns true, if the current vector (casted to int values) points to a non-transparant pixel of the given image.
isKeyPressed(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true if the key with the given key code is currently pressed.
isMoveValid() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if the next call of move() will put the actor in a cell inside the game grid.
isNearBorder() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if the current location is on a border row or column.
isOnTop() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Returns the current state of set onTop flag.
isOpen() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Return true if port is open, false otherwise.
isPaused() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if the game is paused
isPlaying() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return true, if playing (and not pausing), otherwise false.
isPressed() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButton
Returns the current state of the ButtonA.
isReady() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Test if GPane is fully initialized.
isReady() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Test if GPanel is fully initialized.
isRemoved() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if the actor has been removed (by calling removeSelf() or GameGrid.removeActor()).
isRotatable() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns whether the actor is rotatable or not.
isRunning() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if the game is running.
isRunning() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Return true if the timer is running (current time > 0 and not stopped).
isRunning() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Return true if the timer is running.
isSelected() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Returns the current state of the button.
isSelected() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Returns the state of the item currently shown.
isShown() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the state if visibilty of the game grid window.
isTileColliding(Actor, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Checks if the given actor and the tile at the given tile location are colliding.
isTileCollisionEnabled() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if collision notification between tiles is enabled.
isTileCollisionEnabled(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Returns true, if collision notification with the given tiles is enabled.
isToggled() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Returns the current state of the button.
isTouchEnabled() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns the current state of mouse touches.
isUndecorated() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if the window is undecorated (no title bar and no borders).
isVerso() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns true, if the card cover (back) will be shown.
isVertMirror() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns the vertical mirroring state.
isVisible() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Returns true, if the actor is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Returns the visibility of the text.
isVisible() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Return true, if dialog is visible; otherwise false.
isWall(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMaze
Returns true, if the cell with given cell location is a wall


join(long) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Wait for the internal thread to die at most the given time (in ms).
join() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Block until the internal thread dies.
JRunner - Class in ch.aplu.util
A helper class in order to execute a method in a separate thread and to get a notification callback when the thread terminates.
JRunner(Object) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Create a JRunner instance with given reference to a class instance.


kbhit() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns true, if a key was press since the last call to getKeyChar() or getKeyCode().
kbhit() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return true if a key was hit since the last time the one-character buffer was read with getKey() oder getKeyWait().
kbhit() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return true, if a key was typed since the last call of getKey(), getKeyWait(), getKeyCode(), getKeyCodeWait().
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGKeyAdapter
Event callback method called when a key is pressed.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGKeyListener
Event callback method called when a key is pressed.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGKeyAdapter
Event callback method called when a key is released.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGKeyListener
Event callback method called when a key is released.
keyRepeated(int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGKeyRepeatListener
Event callback when the key is continously pressed.


lClick - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Left mouse button down and up in a quick sequence.
lDClick - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Left mouse button down, up, down, up in a quick sequence.
lDrag - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Left mouse button down and move.
leave - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Mouse cursor leaves the window.
leftClicked(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is left clicked.
leftClicked(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is left clicked.
leftClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is left clicked.
leftClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is left clicked.
leftDoubleClicked(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is left double-clicked.
leftDoubleClicked(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is left double-clicked.
leftDoubleClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is left double-clicked.
leftDoubleClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is left double-clicked.
leftPressed(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is left pressed.
leftPressed(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is left pressed.
leftPressed(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is left pressed.
leftPressed(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is left pressed.
leftReleased(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is left released.
leftReleased(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is left released.
leftReleased(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is left released.
leftReleased(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is left released.
LIGHTGRAY - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.LTGRAY.
line(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
line(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a line from the first vertext to the second vertex.
line(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draws a line with given window coordinates and set the graph position to the endpoint.
line(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draws a line with given points (in window coordinates) and set the graph position to the endpoint.
line(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a line with given window coordinates and set the graph position to the endpoint.
line(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a line with given points (in window coordinates) and set the graph position to the endpoint.
lineWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the current line width in pixels.
lineWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the current line width in pixels.
linkClicked(String) - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.LinkListener
Invoked when a link is clicked in a HtmlPane.
LinkListener - Interface in ch.aplu.util
The listener interface for receiving clicks on a hyperlink in a HtmlPane.
load(Waveform, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.FunctionPlayer
Loads the audio data using the function from given Waveform.
Location - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to represent the position of a cell (in cell coordinates).
Location() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Constructs a location at (0, 0).
Location(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Constructs a location with given horizontal and vertical cell coordinates.
Location(Location) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Constructs a location with the coordinates of the given location.
Location.CompassDirection - Enum in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to represent the 8 compass directions.
LoResAlarmTimer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Alarm timer with low resolution (Resolution normally less than 10 milliseconds.)
LoResAlarmTimer(long) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LoResAlarmTimer
Construct a AlarmTimer instance and set its preset time in microseconds (us).
LoResAlarmTimer(long, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LoResAlarmTimer
Same as LoResAlarmTimer(alarmTime), but the timer starts immediately if autostart is true.
LoResAlarmTimer(long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LoResAlarmTimer
Same as LoResAlarmTimer(alarmTime, autostart), but most methods calls Thread.yield() automatically, if yield is true.
LoResTimer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Timer with low resolution (based on Date.getTime()) (Resolution normally less than 10 milliseconds.)
LoResTimer() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LoResTimer
Construct a LoResTimer object and set its time to zero.
LoResTimer(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LoResTimer
Same as LoResTimer(), but the timer starts immediately if autostart is true.
LoResTimer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LoResTimer
Same as LoResTimer(autostart), but most methods calls Thread.yield() automatically, if yield is true.
lPress - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Left mouse button down.
LptPort - Class in ch.aplu.util
Support to write to and read from the LPT port registers on a Windows operating system.
LptPort() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
lRelease - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Left mouse button up.


MAGENTA - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.MAGENTY.
magnitude() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns the magnitude (length) of the vector.
magnitude() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns the magnitude (length) of the vector.
magnitude2() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns the square of the magnitude, without squareroot calculation.
magnitude2() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns the square of the magnitude, without squareroot calculation.
Main - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Main contains a public static void main() entry point and is able to create an instance of another class (by Java reflection), so that its default contructor is invoked.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Main
Program entry point.
Main - Class in ch.aplu.util
Main contains a public static void main() entry point and is able to create an instance of another class (by Java reflection), so that its default contructor is invoked.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Main
Program entry point.
MessageDialog - Class in ch.aplu.util
A simple message dialog (with no prompt button).
MessageDialog(Component, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Construct a dialog with given message, which is not yet shown. show() will display the dialog in the center of the given component.
MessageDialog(Component, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Same as MessageDialog(parent, message, iconPath) with iconPath = null.
MessageDialog(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Same as MessageDialog(parent, message, iconPath) with parent = null and iconPath = null.
MessagePane - Class in ch.aplu.util
Modeless dialog containing one line of text.
MessagePane(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Show a MessagePane at given position (upper left corner) with maximal number of characters to display.
MessagePane(int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Show a MessagePane at center of screen with given maximal number of characters to display.
MessagePane(int, int, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Show a MessagePane at given position (upper left corner) containing given text.
MessagePane(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Show a MessagePane at center of screen containing the given text.
MessagePane(int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Construct a MessagePane at given position (upper left corner) containing given text and return after given amount of time (in milliseconds).
MessagePane(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Construct a MessagePane at center of screen containing given text and return after given amount of time (in milliseconds).
ModelessOptionPane - Class in ch.aplu.util
Modeless message dialog using Swing JOptionPane.
ModelessOptionPane(int, int, String, URL, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
General constructor that show a modeless message dialog at given position (upper left corner) containing given text and given icon image (gif or jpg). iconUrl is the URL for the icon resource.
ModelessOptionPane(int, int, String, URL) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as ModelessOptionPane(ulx, uly, text, iconUrl, buttonText), but with no button.
ModelessOptionPane(int, int, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as general constructor, but with no icon and no button.
ModelessOptionPane(Frame, int, int, Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as general constructor, but with no text, no icon and no button, given dimension and selectable decoration.
ModelessOptionPane(String, URL) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as general constructor, but with no button and dialog centered in middle of the screen.
ModelessOptionPane(String, URL, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as general constructor, but dialog centered in middle of the screen.
ModelessOptionPane(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as general constructor, but with no icon and no button and dialog centered in middle of screen.
modulus() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Provide the magnitude of the complex value.
monitor - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Object used for synchronizing access of methods accessing the sceen list.
Monitor - Class in ch.aplu.util
Helper class for wait-notify mechanism.
mouseEvent(GGMouse) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouseListener
Event callback method called when a mouse event occurs.
mouseTouched(Actor, GGMouse, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Implementation of GGMouseTouchListener.
mouseTouched(Actor, GGMouse, Point) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouseTouchListener
Event callback method to report events with the mouse touch area of an actor's sprite.
move() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
For a small grid (total number of cells <= 2500 = 50 * 50) moves to one of 8 neighbour cells in the current direction (compass directions 45 degrees wide).
move(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Moves the given distance in the current direction.
move - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Mouse cursor is moved inside the window.
move(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Sets the current graph position to the given coordinates (without drawin anything).
move(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Sets the current graph position to the given point (without drawin anything).
move(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the current graph position to given window coordinates (without drawing anything).
move(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same as move(double x, double y)
move(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the current graph position to given point (in window coordinates) (without drawing anything).
move(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the current graph position to given window coordinates (without drawing anything).
move(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as move(double x, double y)
move(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the current graph position to given point (in window coordinates) (without drawing anything).
mult(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector that is the product by a scalar of the current vector and the given integer.
mult(float) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector that is the product by a scalar of the current vector and the given float.
mult(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector that is the product by a scalar of the current vector and the given double.
mult(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector that is the product by a scalar of the current vector and the given integer.
mult(float) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector that is the product by a scalar of the current vector and the given float.
mult(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector that is the product by a scalar of the current vector and the given double.
multiply(Complex) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Multiply this complex object by the complex argument.
multiply(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Define a static multiply method that creates a a new Complex object with the product.
mute(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
If isMuting is true, set sound level to mimimum; otherwise reset it to the old value.


nbCycles - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
The current number of simulation cycles since last reset.
nbHorzCells - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Number of horizonal cells.
nbRotSprites - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Number of rotated sprite images.
nbVertCells - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Number of vertical cells.
nearBorder(Actor, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Empty implementation of a BorderListener called when the actor is set into a border cell.
nearBorder(Actor, Location) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBorderListener
Event callback method called when the actor enters a border cell.
NoMain - Annotation Type in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Annotation definition for applications with no public static void main() method.
NoMain - Annotation Type in ch.aplu.util
Annotation definition for applications with no public static void main() method.
normalize() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Modifies the vector to unit magnitude.
normalize() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Modifies the vector to unit magnitude.
NORTH - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for north.
NORTHEAST - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for northeast.
NORTHWEST - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for northwest.
NothingOnClose - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
ClosingMode NothingOnClose.
notifyExit() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGExitListener
Event callback method called when the title bar close button is hit.
notifyExit() - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.ExitListener
Invoked when the close button in the title bar is pressed.
notifySoundPlayerStateChange(int, int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerListener
Invoked when the player stops playing.
NOTITLEBAR - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Mode for a GPanel with no title bar.
noVerso - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
If true; all cards are always shown with the face up (for debugging purposes).


open(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Open LPT port at specified base address, e.g. 0x378.
openResource(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Loads a binary resource from the application JAR file,
e.g. get a BufferedImage reference from a image resource with bi = ImageIO.read(openResource(path)).
openResource(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Loads a binary resource from the application JAR file,
e.g. get a BufferedImage reference from a image resource with bi = ImageIO.read(openResource(path)).


pack(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Creates a compressed JAR archive from a all files and subdirectories in directory with given dirPath.
pack(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Creates a compressed JAR archive from a all files and subdirectories in directory with given dirPath.
PackageInfo - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class to provide the current package version.
PackageInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.PackageInfo
PackageInfo - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to provide the current package version.
PackageInfo() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.PackageInfo
pad(String, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Right justify the given number in a field with the given field width (pad the field with leading spaces).
pad(String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Pad given number with trailing spaces to optain decimal width and right justify in a field with the given width (pad the the field with leading spaces).
paint(Graphics) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
For internal use only (overrides Canvas.paint() to get paint notifications).
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
For internal use only.
PAPEREND - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Paper End line in status register of LPT port (at base address + 1).
paste(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns a clone of the original image where a part is replaced by another image.
pause() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Stop playing momentarily.
paused() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationAdapter
Event callback method called when the pause button is hit.
paused() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationListener
Event callback method called when the pause button is hit.
penColor - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Property for bean support.
periodChanged(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationAdapter
Event callback method called when the simulation period slider is moved.
periodChanged(int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationListener
Event callback method called when the simulation period slider is moved.
PINK - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.RED.
play() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Start or resume playing and return immediately.
playLoop(Object, GGSound) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play continously a distributed sound sample with maximum volume using the default sound device.
playLoop(GGSound) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play continously a distributed sound sample with maximum volume using the default sound device.
playLoop(Object, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play continuously a sound sample from a JAR resource of the specified object with maximum volume using the default sound device.
playLoop(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play continuously a sound sample with maximum volume using the default sound device using the current class loader to load the resource.
playLoop() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Start a loop playing mode, e.g. when the playing ends, it is restarted automatically until stop() is called.
playLoopExt(Object, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as playLoop(obj, audioPathname) but supports MP3.
playLoopExt(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as playLoop(audioPathname) but supports MP3.
playSound(Object, GGSound) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play a distributed sound sample with maximum volume using the default sound device.
playSound(GGSound) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Plays a distributed sound sample with maximum volume using the default sound device.
playSound(Object, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play a sound sample from a JAR resource of the specified object with maximum volume using the default sound device.
playSound(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Play a sound sample from given audio file with maximum volume using the default sound device using the current class loader to load the resource.
playSoundExt(Object, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as playSound(obj, audioPathname) but supports MP3.
playSoundExt(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Same as playSound(audioPathname) but supports MP3.
point(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a single point at given coordinates.
point(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a single point at given coordinates.
point() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a single point at the current graph position.
point(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a single point at the given window coordinates.
point(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a single point at the given pt (in window coordinates).
point(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a single point at the given window coordinates.
point(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a single point at the given pt (in window coordinates).
polygon(double[], double[], boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a polygon with given vertexes.
polygon(Point2D.Double[], boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a polygon with given vertexes.
polygon(double[], double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a polygon with given corner coordinates in window coordinates.
polygon(Point2D.Double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a polygon with given corner points in window coordinates.
polygon(double[], double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a polygon with given corner coordinates in window coordinates.
polygon(Point2D.Double[]) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a polygon with given corner points in window coordinates.
pos(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same as move(double x, double y).
pos(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same as move(Point2D.Double pt).
pos(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as move(double x, double y).
pos(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as move(Point2D.Double pt).
position(int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return a Position reference with specified upperleft x and y coordinates.
position(int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return a Position ref with specified upperleft x and y coordinates.
Position - Class in ch.aplu.util
Position of a window.
Position(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Position
Construct a Position instance with given coordinates.
print(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a boolean value.
print(char) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a character.
print(char[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print an array of characters.
print(double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a double-precision floating-point number.
print(float) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a floating-point number.
print(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print an integer.
print(long) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a long integer.
print(Object) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print an object.
print(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a string.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
For internal use only.
print(GPrintable, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Print the graphics context to an attached printer with the given magnification scale factor.
print(GPrintable) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same as print(GPrintable gp, double scale) with scale = 1.
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
For internal use only.
print(GPrintable, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Print the graphics context to an attached printer with the given magnification scale factor.
print(GPrintable) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as print(GPrintable gp, double scale) with scale = 1.
printf(String, Object...) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a formatted string using the specified format string and varargs.
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a formatted string using the specified format string and varargs and applying given locale during formatting.
println() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Terminate the current line by writing the line separator string.
println(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a boolean and then terminate the line.
println(char) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a character and then terminate the line.
println(char[]) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print an array of characters and then terminate the line.
println(double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a double and then terminate the line.
println(float) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a float and then terminate the line.
println(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print an integer and then terminate the line.
println(long) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a long and then terminate the line.
println(Object) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print an Object and then terminate the line.
println(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print a String and then terminate the line.
printScreen(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Print the current text area to an attached printer with the given magnification scale factor.
printScreen() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Same as printScreen(scale) with scale = 1
printScreen(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Print the current screen view to an attached printer with the given magnification scale factor.
printScreen() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Same printScreen(double scale) with scale = 1.
printScreen(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Print the current screen view to an attached printer with the given magnification scale factor.
printScreen() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same printScreen(double scale) with scale = 1.
putOnTop(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardCover
Sets the card cover actor above or below any other card actors and card covers.
putOnTop(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Draws the given card above each other card (on top) in this hand and rearrages the hand appearence so that all card are shown.
putOnTopEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Enable/disables automatic putOnTop when the card is left-clicked.
putSamples(byte[], int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.SoundConverter
Notification from the SoundPlayer that the given number of samples is available in inBuffer to be converted by the SoundConverter.
putSleep(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Monitor
Same as putSleep(Object monitor, int timeout), but uses internal static monitor object.
putSleep(Object, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Monitor
Put the current thread in a wait state until wakeUp() is called or timeout ( in ms ) expires.
putSleep(Object) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Monitor
Same as putSleep(Object monitor, int timeout) with timeout = 0 (timeout disabled).
putSleep() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Monitor
Same as putSleep(int timeout) with timeout = 0 (timeout disabled).


quadraticBezier(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a quadratic bezier curve.
quadraticBezier(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a quadratic bezier curve.
quadraticBezier(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a quadratic bezier curve.
quadraticBezier(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a quadratic bezier curve.
quit(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Same as quit(), but if exit = false clicking the title bar's close button acts the same as clicking the Quit button (System.exit(0) will not be called anymore).
quit() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Create a QuitPane dialog, if it's not yet done.
QuitPane - Class in ch.aplu.util
Modeless dialog containing a "Quit" button only.
QuitPane() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Same as QuitPane(true).
QuitPane(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Construct a QuitPane with given visibility.


radius - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
The public radius of the circle.
RAINBOW_COLORS - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
randomBatchTransfer(int, Hand, Hand, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Moves a randomly selected batch of cards from the source hand to the target hand.
rClick - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Right mouse button down and up in a quick sequence.
rDClick - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Right mouse button down, up, down, up in a quick sequence.
rDrag - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Right mouse button down and move.
readBoolean() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog with a yes/no button pair to get a boolean.
readChar() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Wait until a key is typed and return the unicode character associated it.
readData() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Return content of data port (at base address) in lower byte.
readDouble() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Wait until a sequence of numbers with trailing newline is typed.
readDouble() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to read a double value.
readInt() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Wait until a sequence of numbers with trailing newline is typed.
readInt() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to read an integer value.
readLine() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Wait until a sequence of characters with trailing newline is typed.
readLong() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to read a long value.
readStatus() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Return content of status port (at base address + 1) in lower byte.
readString() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.InputDialog
Show the dialog to get a string value (same as getString()).
readTextFile(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Reads a text file into a string.
readTextFile(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Reads a text file into a string.
readTextResource(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Reads a text resource from the application JAR file.
readTextResource(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Reads a text resource from the application JAR file.
real - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
recallGraphics() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Copy graphics from store buffer to offscreen buffer and render it on the screen window (if enableRepaint(true)).
recallGraphics() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Copy graphics from store buffer to offscreen buffer and render it on the screen window (if enableRepaint(true)).
recallGraphics() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Copy the store buffer to the offscreen buffer.
receiveSamples(byte[], int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.SoundConverter
Notification from the SoundPlayer to get back the converted data in outBuffer.
rectangle(double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws/fills a rectangle with given opposite vertexes.
rectangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a rectangle with given opposite vertexes.
rectangle(double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a rectangle with center at the current graph position and given width and height.
rectangle(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a rectangle with center at the current graph position and given width and height in window coordinates.
rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a rectangle with given opposite corners in window coordinates.
rectangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a rectangle with given opposite corner points in window coordinates.
rectangle(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a rectangle with center at the current graph position and given width and height in window coordinates.
rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a rectangle with given opposite corners in window coordinates.
rectangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a rectangle with given opposite corner points in window coordinates.
RED - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.RED.
refresh() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Refreshs the current game situation (repaint background, tiles, actors).
remove(int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Removes the card at given index from card list.
remove(Card, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Removes card from the current hand.
remove(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Removes the progress bar from the game grid.
remove(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
If the properties file exists and has write access, remove the property with given key.
removeActor(Actor) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes the given actor from the scene, so that act() is not called any more.
removeActors(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes all actors from the specified class, so that act() is not called any more.
removeActorsAt(Location, Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes all actors from the specified class at the specified location, so that act() is not called any more.
removeActorsAt(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes all actors at the specified location, so that act() is not called any more.
removeAll(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Removes every card in the current hand and from the game grid.
removeAll() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
If the properties file has write access, removes it.
removeAllActors() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes all actors from the scene, so that act() is not called any more.
removeAllItems() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Removes all currently displayed items from the card game window and empties the item list.
removeDir(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
(Be very careful) Deletes all files and subdirectories and the directory itself.
removeDir(File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
(Be very careful) Deletes all files and subdirectories and the directory itself.
removeFiles(File, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
(Be very careful) Deletes all files in directory (but not the directory itself).
removeFiles(File, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
(Be very careful) Deletes all files in directory (but not the directory itself).
removeFirst(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Removes first card from card list.
removeFromHand(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Removes the card from its hand.
removeKeyListener(GGKeyListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes a previously registered GGKeyListener.
removeKeyRepeatListener(GGKeyRepeatListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes a previously registered GGKeyRepeatListener.
removeLast(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Removes last card from card list.
removeMouseListener(GGMouseListener) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Removes the given mouse listener from the list of registered mouse listeners.
removeSelf() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Removes the given actor from the scene, so that act() is not called any more.
repaint() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Override JPanel's repaint() to inhibit explicit repainting while printing.
repaint(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Override JPanel's repaint(int x, int y, int width, int height) to inhibit explicit repainting while printing.
repaint() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Invoke the internal JPanels repaint().
replay() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Wait until a playing underway has ended.
requestFocus() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Request the focus.
reset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Empty method called when the actor is added to the game grid, the reset button is clicked or doReset() is called.
reset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Empty method called when the reset button is hit or doReset() is called.
reset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Overrides the actor's reset() called when the button is added to the game grid.
reset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Overrides the actor's reset() called when the button is added to the game grid.
reset() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Overrides the actor's reset() called when the button is added to the game grid.
reset() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Stop the timer and set its value to zero.
resetted() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationAdapter
Event callback method called when the reset button is hit.
resetted() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationListener
Event callback method called when the reset button is hit.
resetted() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGResetListener
Event callback method called when the reset button is hit.
resizable(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Enable/disable resizing of the window by mouse dragging.
restore() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Restores a previously saved background.
resume() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Restart the timer from its current time.
resume() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Restart the timer from its current value.
resume() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Continue the halted thread.
reverse(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Reverses the order of the cards in the card list.
reverseSceneOrder(ArrayList<Actor>) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Reverses the order of the given actor list in the corresponding scene list.
reverseSort(Hand.SortType, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Sorts the card list with given sort type and reverses the list.
rewindFrames(long) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Rewind current position (number of frames).
rewindTime(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Rewind current time (in ms).
rightClicked(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is right clicked.
rightClicked(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is right clicked.
rightClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is right clicked.
rightClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is right clicked.
rightDoubleClicked(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is right double-clicked.
rightDoubleClicked(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is right double-clicked.
rightDoubleClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is right double-clicked.
rightDoubleClicked(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is right double-clicked.
rightPressed(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is right pressed.
rightPressed(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is right pressed.
rightPressed(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is right pressed.
rightPressed(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is right pressed.
rightReleased(Card) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardAdapter
Triggered when a card is right released.
rightReleased(Card) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardListener
Triggered when a card is right released.
rightReleased(ToolBarItem) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
Triggered when a item is right released.
rightReleased(ToolBarItem) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarListener
Triggered when a item is right released.
rotate(Location, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Rotates the actor with given rotation center location by the given angle.
rotate(Point, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Rotates the actor with given rotation center point by given angle.
rotate(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Rotates with rotation center at (0, 0).
rotate(GGVector, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Rotates with given rotation center.
rotate(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Rotates the vector by the specified angle.
rotate(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Rotates the vector by the specified angle.
RowLayout - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class to store the row layout options for a hand.
RowLayout(Location, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Same as RoyLayout(handLocation, rowWidth, rotationAngle) with rotationAngle = 0.
RowLayout(Location, int, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Creates a RowLayout instance with given hand location , maximum row width and rotation angle.
rPress - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Right mouse button down.
rRelease - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGMouse
Right mouse button up.
run() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
For internal use only.
run(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Create a thread and invoke the parameterless method with given name.


sampleReceived(int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.SoundSampleListener
Event callback method called by the sound recording thread each time a new sound sample is copied into the sound sample buffer.
save() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Saves the current background to an extra buffer.
save(File) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.FunctionPlayer
Save the loaded sound data to the given WAV file using the current audio format.
save(BufferedImage, String, String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Writes a image file of the given BufferedImage.
scale(BufferedImage, double, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Transforms the given buffered image by scaling by the given factor and rotating by the given angle.
SELECT - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Select line in status register of LPT port (at base address + 1).
SELECTIN - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Select In line in control register of LPT port (at base address + 2).
setActEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Enable/disable the invocation of act() in every simulation cycle.
setActEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Enables/disables the simulation cycle momentarily.
setActorCollisionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the actor collision candidates.
setActOrder(Class...) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Set the act order of objects in the scene.
setActorOnBottom(Actor) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Puts the given actor at first place in the corresponding scene list, in order to act last and to be drawn on the bottom of other actors of the same class.
setActorOnTop(Actor) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Puts the given actor at last place in the corresponding scene list, in order to act first and to be drawn on top of other actors of the same class.
setAllSpriteIds(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Sets the sprite id of all items to given value.
setAutowrap(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Enable/disable autowrapping.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the color of the background.
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the color of the background.
setBgColor(int, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the color of the background.
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Sets the given new background color.
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the background color of the frame.
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Sets the background color attribute.
setBgColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the background color of the window and offscreen buffer and show the window.
setBgImagePath(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the path to the background image file.
setBgImagePos(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the x-y-coordinate of the upper left vertex of the background image with respect to the playground pixel coordinates.
setBgImagePosX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the x-coordinate of the upper left vertex of the background image with respect to the playground pixel coordinates.
setBgImagePosY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the y-coordinate of the upper left vertex of the background image with respect to the playground pixel coordinates.
setButtonEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Enable/disable the button (if any).
setCardAlignment(Hand.CardAlignment) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Sets the current card alignment to the given alignment.
setCardAlignment(Hand.CardAlignment) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Sets the current card alignment to the given alignment.
setCardAlignment(Hand.CardAlignment) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Sets the current card alignment to the given alignment.
setCardGame(CardGame) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Selects the card game instance where to display the hand's card.
setCardOrientation(CardOrientation) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Sets the card orientation to the given orientation.
setCellSize(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the size of a cell.
setCenter(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Sets the current center to the given center
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCheckButton
Sets the button in the checked/unchecked state.
setClosingMode(GameGrid.ClosingMode) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the closing mode that determines what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
setClosingMode(Console.ClosingMode) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Determines what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
setClosingMode(GPanel.ClosingMode) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Determines what happens when the title bar close button is hit.
setCollisionCircle(int, Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionCircle(Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setCollisionCircle(int spriteId, Point center, int radius) for spriteId = 0.
setCollisionCircle(Location, Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the tile center that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionImage(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects collision detection on non-transparent pixels of the image.
setCollisionImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setCollisionImage(int spriteId) for spriteId = 0.
setCollisionLine(int, Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the line segment (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionLine(Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setCollisionLine(int spriteId, Point startPoint, Point endPoint) for spriteId = 0.
setCollisionLine(Location, Point, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Selects the line segment (in pixel units) relative to the tile that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionRectangle(int, Point, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionRectangle(Point, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setCollisionRectangle(int spriteId, Point center, int width, int height) for spriteId = 0
setCollisionRectangle(Location, Point, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the tile that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionSpot(int, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the hot spot (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
setCollisionSpot(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setCollisionSpot(int spriteId, Point spot) for spriteId = 0.
setCollisionSpot(Location, Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Selects the hot spot relative to the sprite image that is used for collision detection.
setColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the given new color and return the previous color
setColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the given new color and return the previous color
setColor(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the color to the given X11 color name.
setColumnHeight(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Sets the current column height to the given height.
setDirection(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Sets the moving direction.
setDirection(Location.CompassDirection) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Sets the moving direction to the given compass direction.
setDisplacePosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Sets the current displace position and moves the actor in the cell that contains the given coordinates.
setDoubleClickDelay(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the time delay the system uses to distinct click and double-click mouse events.
setDoubleProperty(String, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
If the properties file exists and has write access, creates or modifies the property value with given key.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonBase
Enable/Disable button actions.
setEnableFocus(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Enable/disable the focus.
setEnableResize(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Enable/disable resizing.
setEnableResize(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Enable/disable resizing.
setEndDir(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Sets the current end direction to the given end direction For negative endDir, the angle distance between cards is fixed to the absolute value of this parameter.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the focusable state to the specified value.
setFont(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Sets the current font for displaying text with drawText()
setFont(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Sets the font for displaying text with setText()
setFont(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the font for the value/unit text.
setFont(Font) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Sets the font attribute.
setFrameColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the border color of the frame.
setGridColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the color of the grid and reconstructs the background.
setHandLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.HandLayout
Sets the current hand location to the given location.
setHorzMirror(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
If set, the sprite image shown is mirrored horizontally.
setHotspotArea(Point, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonBase
Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the button image as active mouse area.
setImage(String, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Sets the tile image of the tile with given indices.
setImage(String, Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Sets the tile image of the tile with given map location.In order the image fits exactly on the tile, its size in number of pixels should be tileHeight x tileWidth given when constructing the tile map.
setIntProperty(String, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
If the properties file exists and has write access, creates or modifies the property value with given key.
setKeyRepeatPeriod(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the time between two successive key repeat events.
setLineWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Sets the current line width in pixels.
setLineWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Sets the current line width in pixels.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Assigns a new current location.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Sets the location attribute.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Moves the current tool bar at the specified location.
setLocationOffset(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Sets a pixel offset in x- any y-direction relative to the current location.
setLocationOffset(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setLoctionOffset(Point locationOffset) with given x and y displacements.
setLocationOffset(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Sets a pixel offset in x- any y-direction relative to the current location.
setMax(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the maximum value of the indicator.
setMin(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the minimum value of the indicator.
setMouseEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Enable/disable all mouse event callbacks.
setMouseTouchCircle(int, Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the circle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for mouse touch detection.
setMouseTouchCircle(Point, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setMouseTouchCircle(int spriteId, Point center, int radius) for all sprites of this actor.
setMouseTouchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Enable/disable the detection of mouse interactions.
setMouseTouchImage(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the non-transparent pixels of the sprite image for mouse touch detection.
setMouseTouchImage() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setMouseTouchImage(int spriteId) for all sprites of this actor.
setMouseTouchRectangle(int, Point, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Selects the rectangle (in pixel units) relative to the sprite image that is used for mouse touch detection.
setMouseTouchRectangle(Point, int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Same as setTouchRectangle(int spriteId, Rectangle rect) for all sprites of this actor.
setNbHorzCells(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the horizontal number of cells.
setNbVertCells(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the vertical number of cells.
setOffG2D(Graphics2D) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the Graphics2D context of the offscreen buffer.
setOnBottom() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Sets the actor at the last place in the scene of the actor class.
setOnBottom(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Puts the given class prior to the ToolBarItem class in the paint order, so that actors from the given class are painted on top of tool bar item images.
setOnTop(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Sets/resets the onTop flag.
setOnTop() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Sets the actor at the first place in the scene of actor class.
setOnTop(Class) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Puts the ToolBarItem class prior to the given class in the paint order, so that the tool bar item images are painted on top of actors from the given class.
setPaintColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Sets the given new paint color (for drawing and filling).
setPaintColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Sets the given new paint color (for drawing and filling).
setPaintMode() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Sets the paint mode of the graphics context to overwrite with current color.
setPaintMode() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Sets the paint mode of the graphics context to overwrite with current paint color.
setPaintMode() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the paint mode of the graphics context to overwrite with current color.
setPaintMode() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the paint mode of the graphics context to overwrite with current color.
setPaintOrder(Class...) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the paint order of objects in the game grid.
setPattern(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the DecimalFormat pattern used to display the value.
setPenColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the color of the pen.
setPixelColor(int, int, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Modifies the color of the pixel at given x, y coordinates.
setPixelColor(int[], Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Modifies the color of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
setPixelColorStr(int, int, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Modifies the color (defined as X11 color name) of the pixel at given x, y coordinates.
setPixelColorStr(int[], String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Modifies the color (defined as X11 color name) of the pixel at given point (defined as int array for Jython compatibility).
setPixelLocation(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Moves the center of the actor to the given pixel coordinates.
setPosition(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Move the location of the game grid window to the given screen position.
setPosition(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Sets the current position of the upper left vertex with respect to the playground coordinate system (origin at upper left vertex, x-coordinate to the left, y-coordinate downwards).
setRadius(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Sets the current radius to the given radius
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGButtonBase
Enables/disables automatic refresh of game grid on button actions.
setRefreshEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Enables/disables automatic refresh in all graphics methods of GGPanel.
setRotationAngle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Sets the current rotation angle to the given angle.
setRotationAngle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Sets the current rotation angle to the given angle.
setRotationAngle(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.StackLayout
Sets the current rotation angle to the given angle.
setRowWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Sets the current row width to the given width.
setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.HandLayout
Sets the current scale factor to the given factor.
setSceneOrder(ArrayList<Actor>) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the act and paint order of the actors in the given list by rearraging their scene list to the order in the given list.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRadioButton
Sets the button in the selected/deselected state.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Sets/deselects the item currently shown.
setSimulationPeriod(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Sets the period of the simulation loop.
setSlideStep(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Sets the slide step to the given step
setSlowDown(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Slows down the calling of act() by the given factor.
setSortType(Hand.SortType) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Sets the compare type of cards used for sorting to one of the enumeration values defined in the SortType enumeration.
setSpriteId(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Sets the sprite id of the item at given index to given value.
setStartDir(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Sets the current start direction to the given start direction
setStatusText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Replaces the text in the status bar by the given text using the default font and text color of JOptionPane.
setStatusText(String, Font, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Replaces the text in the status bar by the given text using the given font and text color.
setStatusText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Replace the text in the status bar by the given text using the current JOptionPane font and color.
setStatusText(String, Font, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Replace the text in the status bar by the given text using the given font and text color.
setStepDelay(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.ColumnLayout
Sets the current step delay to the given delay (in ms).
setStepDelay(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.FanLayout
Sets the current step delay to the given delay (in ms).
setStepDelay(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.RowLayout
Sets the current step delay to the given delay (in ms).
setStringProperty(String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProperties
If the properties file exists and has write access, creates or modifies the property value with given key.
setStripColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the color of the indicator strip (filled rectangle).
setTargetArea(TargetArea) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Sets the transferring attributes for all cards in the current hand.
setTargetLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Sets the target location to the given location.
setText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Sets the text attribute.
setText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Display the given text.
setText(String, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Display the given text and return after the given amount of time (in milliseconds).
setText(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Display the given text.
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as setText() but select whether to adjust size of dialog.
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the color of the text centered in the middle of the bar.
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Sets the text color attribute.
setTileCollisionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the tile collision candidates.
setTileCollisionEnabled(Location, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTileMap
Enable/disable the detection of collisions with the given tile.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Set the title in the window's title bar.
setTitle(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Set another title in the console's title bar.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the title in the window's title bar.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Same as showTitle().
setToggled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGToggleButton
Sets the button in the toggled/untoggled state.
setTouchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Enables or disables mouse touch events.
setTransparency(BufferedImage, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Returns a BufferedImage where each pixel has a new transparency value (alpha component in the ARGB color model).
setTransparency(BufferedImage, double) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GBitmap
Returns a clone of the given image where each pixel has a new transparency value (alpha component in the ARGB color model).
setUnit(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the text displayed as unit.
setValue(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the current value of the progress bar.
setValue(double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGProgressBar
Sets the current value of the progress bar.
setVerso(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Determines if the card's face or cover (back) will be shown.
setVerso(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Sets the isVerso attribute to all cards in the card list.
setVertMirror(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
If set, the sprite image shown is mirrored vertically.
setView(CardGame, HandLayout) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Preparing to display the current hand in a game grid window using the given given layout.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Show/hide the dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Show/hide the dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.QuitPane
Show/hide the dialog.
setVolume(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Set the volume to the give value (range 0..1000).
setWinCenter(Size) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set window to screen center with given size of the embedded component.
setWinCenter() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set window to screen center.
setWindow(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set window coordinate system left_x, right_x, bottom_y, top_y
setWinPosition(Position) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the position of the window (position of uppler left corner in device coordinates).
setWinPosition(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the position of the window (x-y-coordinates of upper left corner in device coordinates).
setWinSize(Size) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the size of the embedded component (in device coordinates).
setWinSize(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Set the size of the embedded component (in device coordinates) to given width and heigth.
setX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Assigns a new current horizontal cell coordinate.
setXmax(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the xmax range value.
setXmin(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the xmin range value.
setXORMode(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBackground
Sets the paint mode to alternate between the current color and the given color.
setXORMode(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Sets the paint mode to alternate between the current color and the given color.
setXORMode(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Sets the paint mode to alternate between the current color and the given color.
setXORMode(Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Sets the paint mode to alternate between the current color and the given color.
setXORMode(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Same as setXORMode(Color c), but using the given X11 color name.
setY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Assigns a new current vertical cell coordinate.
setYmax(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the xmax range value.
setYmin(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the ymin range value.
shift(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Shifts (rolls) the card list forward or backward.
shiftSceneOrder(ArrayList<Actor>, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Shifts (rolls) the actors of the given actor list in the corresponding scene list forward or backward.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Turns on the visibility of the sprite with id 0.
show(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Turns on the visibility of the sprite with given id.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Shows the game grid after initialisation or when hided.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputDouble
Returns the user input.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputInt
Returns the user input.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputLong
Returns the user input.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGInputString
Returns the user input when the Ok button is clicked.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGTextField
Displays the text.
show(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
Adds the tool bar item actors to the card game window at the given location (upper left corner of first item).
show() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Show the console window.
show() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Show a modeless message dialog with given message.
show(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessageDialog
Same as show().
showComponent(JComponent) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Add the component to the frame's contentPane and show the window with default background color.
showComponent(JComponent, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Same as showComponent(JComponent component) but set visibilty to the given value.
showComponent(JComponent, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Add a component to the frame's contentPane and show the window with the given background color.
showComponent(JComponent, Color, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Same as showComponent(JComponent component, Color bgColor) but set visibilty to the given value.
showFonts() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Show all available fonts.
showHeapSize() - Static method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Displays the current memory heap size in System.out.
showHorizontalScrollBar(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Insert/remove a horizonal scroll bar.
showNext() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Shows the next item in the stack.
showNextSprite() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Increases the id of the currently visible sprite and makes this sprite visible.
showPreviousSprite() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Decreases the id of the currently visible sprite and makes this sprite visible.
showStatusBar(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Shows or hides the status bar.
showStatusBar(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Show or hide the status bar.
showTitle(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Show the given title in the title bar.
showVerticalScrollBar(boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Insert/remove a vertical scroll bar.
shuffle(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Shuffles the card list (random permutation of cards).
simulationPeriod - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Simulation period (in ms).
size(int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Return a Size reference with specified width and height.
size(int, int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return a Size ref with specified width and height.
Size - Class in ch.aplu.util
The size of a window.
Size(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Size
Construct a Size instance.
slideToTarget(Location, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Same as slideToTarget(targetLocation, slideStep, blocking) with blocking = true.
slideToTarget(Location, int, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
If the card is added to the GameGrid, handless and visible, moves the card actor from current location to the given location using the given number of steps per GameGrid's simulation cycle.
slideToTarget(Location, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardCover
Slides the card cover actor from the current location to the given target location using the given step.
sort(Hand.SortType, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Sorts the card list with given sort type.
SoundConverter - Interface in ch.aplu.util
Interface for easy integration of a sound converter to SoundPlayer and SoundPlayerExt classes.
SoundPlayer - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class for playing sound files using file streaming in a separate thread.
SoundPlayer(URL, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player attached to given URL using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(URL) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(url, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(Object, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player attached to given pathname from a JAR archive using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(Object, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(obj, audioPathname, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(File, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player attached to given File instance using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(File) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(audioFile, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player attached to given pathname (relative or fully qualified) using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(audioPathname, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(AudioInputStream, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player attached to the given AudioInputStream using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(AudioInputStream) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(audioInputStream, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(ByteArrayOutputStream, AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player with data from the given ByteArrayOutputStream using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(ByteArrayOutputStream, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(os, audioFormat, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(byte[], AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player with data from the given byte array using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(byte[], AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(byte[] ary, AudioFormat audioFormat, int mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayer(int[], AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Construct a sound player with data from the given int array using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayer(int[], AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Same as SoundPlayer(int[] ary, AudioFormat audioFormat, int mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class for playing sound files using file streaming in a separate thread.
SoundPlayerExt(Object, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player attached to given pathname from a JAR archive using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerExt(Object, String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerExt(obj, audioPathname, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(URL) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerEx(url, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(AudioInputStream, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player attached to the given AudioInputStream using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerExt(AudioInputStream) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerExt(audioIputStream, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(ByteArrayOutputStream, AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player with data from the given ByteArrayOutputStream using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerExt(ByteArrayOutputStream, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerExt(os, audioFormat, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(byte[], AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player with data from the given byte array using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerExt(byte[], AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerExt(ary, audioFormat, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(URL, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player attached to given URL using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerExt(File) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerEx(audioFile, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(File, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player attached to given File instance using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerExt(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Same as SoundPlayerEx(audioPathname, mixerIndex) using the default sound device.
SoundPlayerExt(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayerExt
Construct a sound player attached to given pathname (relative or fully qualified) using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundPlayerListener - Interface in ch.aplu.util
The listener interface for receiving StreamingPlayer notification.
SoundReader - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class for reading sound files and extract sound data.
SoundReader(File) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundReader
Construct a sound reader attached to given sound file.
SoundReader(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundReader
Construct a sound reader attached to given sound file path.
SoundRecorder - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class for recording sound and save it to a WAV file.
SoundRecorder(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Same as SoundRecorder(bufSize, audioFormat, mixerIndex) with default buffer size (10000 bytes) and default sound recording device.
SoundRecorder(int, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Same as SoundRecorder(bufSize, audioFormat, mixerIndex) with default sound recording device.
SoundRecorder(AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Same as SoundRecorder(bufSize, audioFormat, mixerIndex) with default buffer size (10000 bytes).
SoundRecorder(int, AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Create a recorder instance with given audioFormat using the given mixer index (sound device).
SoundSampleListener - Interface in ch.aplu.util
Declaration of a SoundRecorder callback method.
SOUTH - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for south.
SOUTHEAST - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for southeast.
SOUTHWEST - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for southwest.
StackLayout - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class to store the stacked layout options for a hand.
StackLayout(Location) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.StackLayout
Same as StackLayout(handLocation, rotationAngle) with rotationAngle = 0.
StackLayout(Location, double) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.StackLayout
Creates a StackLayout instance with given hand location and rotationAngle.
STANDARD - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Mode for a standard GPanel.
start() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Set the timer to the preset alarm time and start it.
start(long) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Set the timer to the given preset alarm time and start it.
start() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Reset the timer to zero and start it.
started() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationAdapter
Event callback method called when the run button is hit.
started() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationListener
Event callback method called when the run button is hit.
stepped() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationAdapter
Event callback method called when the step button is hit.
stepped() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGNavigationListener
Event callback method called when the step button is hit.
stop() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Stop the timer and store the current time.
stop() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseTimer
Stop the timer and store the current value.
stop() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Stop playing.
stopCapture() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Stop the capturing process and return after the capture thread terminates.
stopEvents() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.BaseAlarmTimer
Force to stop the callback calls by terminating the timer's polling thread.
stopGameThread() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Stops the game thread to avoid any CPU consumption.
storeGraphics() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Create a store buffer and copy current graphics to it.
storeGraphics() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Create a store buffer and copy current graphics to it.
storeGraphics() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Copy the offscreen buffer to a store buffer.
STROBE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Bit value of Strobe line in control register of LPT port (at base address + 2).
sub(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a new vector that is the vector difference of the current vector and the given vector.
sub(GVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a new vector that is the vector difference of the current vector and the given vector.
subtract(Complex) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Define a complex subtract method.
subtract(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Define a static subtract method that creates a a new Complex object equal to cvalue1 - cvalue2.


TargetArea - Class in ch.aplu.jcardgame
Class to represent the target area and moving options for card transfers.
TargetArea(Location) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Sets the attributes for transferring cards.
TargetArea(Location, CardOrientation, int, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jcardgame.TargetArea
Sets the attributes for transferring cards.
terminate() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Console
Terminate application.
TerminateOnClose - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
ClosingMode TerminateOnClose.
text(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a string at the current graph position.
text(char) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a char at the current graph position.
text(double, double, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a string at the given x-y position.
text(Point2D.Double, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a string at the given position.
text(double, double, char) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a char at the given position.
text(Point2D.Double, char) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a char at the given position.
text(double, double, String, Font, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a string at the given position with extended text attributes.
text(Point2D.Double, String, Font, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a string at the given position with extended text attributes.
text(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the current graph position.
text(char) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a char at the current graph position.
text(double, double, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the given position.
text(Point2D.Double, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the given position.
text(double, double, char) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a char at the given position.
text(Point2D.Double, char) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a char at the given position.
text(double, double, String, Font, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the given position with extended text attributes.
text(double, double, String, Font, String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the given position with extended text attributes using X11 color names.
text(Point2D.Double, String, Font, Color, Color) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the given position with extended text attributes.
text(Point2D.Double, String, Font, String, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a string at the given position with extended text attributes using X11 color names.
TextActor - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that implements an actor to display text dynamically.
TextActor(boolean, String, Color, Color, Font) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.TextActor
Constructs a possibly rotatable text actor that displays the given text with given text and background colors.
TextActor(String, Color, Color, Font) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.TextActor
Constructs a unrotatable text actor that displays the given text with given text and background colors.
TextActor(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.TextActor
Constructs a unrotatable text actor that displays the given text.
timeElapsed() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.TimerAdapter
Invoked when the time interval expires.
timeElapsed() - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.TimerListener
Invoked when the time interval is elapsed.
TimerAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.util
An abstract adapter class for receiving timer events.
TimerAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.TimerAdapter
TimerListener - Interface in ch.aplu.util
The listener interface for receiving timer events.
title(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the title in the window's title bar.
title(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the title in the window's title bar.
title(String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.MessagePane
Display the given title.
toColor(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return the Color reference for the given color as string.
toColor(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Returns the color reference attributed to the given X11 color name.
toColorStr(Color) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Returns the X11 color name attributed to the given color.
toFront() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.ModelessOptionPane
Bring the dialog to the front.
toHand() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the complete shuffled deck as a hand.
toHand(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck
Returns the complete deck as a hand.
toLocation(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the location (cell indices) of the cell where the given point resides.
toLocation(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the location (cell indices) of the cell where the point with given coordinates resides.
toLocationInGrid(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the location (cell indices) of the cell where the given point resides.
toLocationInGrid(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the location (cell indices) of the cell where the point with given coordinates resides.
ToolBar - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class to represent a linear bar of item.
ToolBar(GameGrid) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBar
ToolBarAdapter - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Empty implementation of callback methods called for tool bar item events.
ToolBarAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarAdapter
ToolBarItem - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
A class to represent actors used for tool bar items.
ToolBarItem(BufferedImage...) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarItem
Constructs a tool bar item based on one or several sprite images defined by the given buffered images.
ToolBarItem(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarItem
Constructs a tool bar item with one sprite image.
ToolBarItem(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarItem
Constructs a tool bar item using nbSprites sprite images.
ToolBarListener - Interface in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Declaration of callback methods called for tool bar item events.
ToolBarSeparator - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
A class to represent actors used for tool bar items.
ToolBarSeparator(int, int, Color) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarSeparator
Creates a tool bar item whose image is a rectangle with given width and height filled with given color.
ToolBarStack - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
Class that represents a stack of items (e.g. card symbols with the same suit (in rank order).
ToolBarStack(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarStack
Creates a set of with given number of items taken from the given filename template.
ToolBarText - Class in ch.aplu.jgamegrid
A class to represent a text actor used for tool bar items.
ToolBarText(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarText
Creates a tool bar text item displaying the given text in black centered in a white rectangle with given height.
ToolBarText(String, Color, Font, Color, int) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.ToolBarText
Creates a tool bar text item displaying the given text with given font and color centered in a rectangle with given color and height.
toPixelPoint(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Transforms horizontal user coordinates to pixel coordinates.
toPixelX(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Transforms horizontal user coordinates to pixel coordinates.
toPixelY(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Transforms vertical user coordinates to pixel coordinates.
topLeftInset() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Return the top inset of the window (title bar + border) in pixels.
toPoint(Location) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Returns the x-y-coordinates of the center of the cell with given location (cell indices).
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Returns a string representation in the format "suit-rank".
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Returns a string representation of all cards in the hand.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Returns a string that enumerates center and radius.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Returns a string that enumerates start and end vector.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Returns a string that enumerates vertexes, edges, center, width, height and direction.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
Returns a string with the x-y-coordinates in the format (x, y).
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
Returns a string that represents this location.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Complex
Return a string representation of the complex value.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
Returns a string with the x-y-coordinates in the format (x, y).
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.ChirpWave
Returns class information.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SawtoothWave
Returns class information.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SineWave
Returns class information.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SquareWave
Returns class information.
toString() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.TriangleWave
Returns class information.
toUser(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return reference to point in user coordinate of given point in window coordinate.
toUser(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return reference to point in user coordinate of given window coordinates.
toUser(Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return reference to point in user coordinate of given point in window coordinate.
toUser(double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return reference to point in user coordinate of given window coordinates.
toUser(Shape) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert the given shape from window coordinates to user coordinates.
toUserHeight(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return user coordinates increment y of given window coordinates increment y.
toUserHeight(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return user coordinates increment y of given window coordinates increment y.
toUserHeight(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert window coordinates increment to user coordinates increment (vertical).
toUserPoint(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Transforms pixel coordinates to user coordinates.
toUserTransform() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Create an affine transform to convert a shape from window coordinates to user coordinates and return it.
toUserWidth(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return user coordinates increment x of given window coordinates increment x.
toUserWidth(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return user coordinates increment x of given window coordinates increment x.
toUserWidth(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert window coordinates increment to user coordinates increment (horizontal).
toUserX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Transforms horizontal pixel coordinates to user coordinates.
toUserX(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return user coordinate x of given window coordinate x.
toUserX(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return user coordinate x of given window coordinate x.
toUserY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Transforms vertical pixel coordinates to user coordinates.
toUserY(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return user coordinate y of given window coordinate y.
toUserY(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return user coordinate y of given window coordinate y.
toUserY(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert window coordinate to user coordinate (vertical).
toWindow(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return reference to point in window coordinates of given point in user coordinates.
toWindow(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return reference to point in window coordinates of given user coordinates.
toWindow(Point) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return reference to point in window coordinates of given point in user coordinates.
toWindow(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return reference to point in window coordinates of given user coordinates.
toWindowHeight(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return window coordinates increment y of given user coordinates increment y.
toWindowHeight(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return window coordinates increment y of given user coordinates increment y.
toWindowHeight(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert user coordinates increment to window coordinates increment (vertical).
toWindowWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return window coordinates increment x of given user coordinates increment x.
toWindowWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return window coordinates increment x of given user coordinates increment x.
toWindowWidth(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert user coordinates increment to window coordinates increment (horizontal).
toWindowX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return window coordinate x of given user coordinate x.
toWindowX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return window coordinate x of given user coordinate x.
toWindowX(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert user coordinates to window coordinates (horizontal).
toWindowY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Return window coordinate y of given user coordinate y.
toWindowY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Return window coordinate y of given user coordinate y.
toWindowY(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Convert user coordinates to window coordinates (vertical).
transfer(Hand, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Animated or non-animated transfer from current hand to new hand using the currently defined target area.
transfer(Card, Hand, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Transfers the card from the current hand to the given target hand using the currently defined target area.
transferNonBlocking(Hand, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Card
Same as transfer(targetHand, doDraw), but the methods returns immediately.
transferNonBlocking(Card, Hand, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand
Same as transfer(card, targetHand, doDraw), but the methods returs immediately.
transformGraphics(AffineTransform) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GWindow
Transform offscreen buffer with given affine transformation.
translate(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGCircle
Performs a translation by the given vector.
translate(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGLine
Performs a translation by the given vector.
translate(GGVector) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGRectangle
Translates by the given vector.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for transparent color Color(0, 0, 0, 0) (black with alpha = 0).
triangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a triangle with given vertexes.
triangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Draws a triangle with given vertexes.
triangle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a triangle with given corner coordinates in window coordinates.
triangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Draw a triangle with given corners in window coordinates.
triangle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a triangle with given corner coordinates in window coordinates.
triangle(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Draw a triangle with given corners in window coordinates.
turn(double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Actor
Turns the moving direction by the given angle (clockwise for positive angles, counterclockwise for negative angles).


unpack(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Unpacks the given JAR archive in the given directory.
unpack(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Unpacks the given JAR archive in the given directory.
unzip(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Unpacks the given ZIP archive in the given directory.
unzip(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Unpacks the given ZIP archive in the given directory.
update() - Method in interface ch.aplu.util.SoundConverter
Callback method called each time before the new samples from the inBuffer are fed into the converter.
URLfromJAR(String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundPlayer
Return the URL of a sound resource from the JAR archive.


validate() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Validate the container.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand.CardAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand.SortType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid.ClosingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGSound
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location.CompassDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.util.Console.ClosingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.aplu.util.GPanel.ClosingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jcardgame.CardOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values(Enum) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jcardgame.Deck.CardValues
Returns the card values (card points) for cards of all ranks in a given suit.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand.CardAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand.SortType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid.ClosingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGSound
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location.CompassDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.util.Console.ClosingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ch.aplu.util.GPanel.ClosingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jcardgame.PackageInfo
Current version of package.
VERSION - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.PackageInfo
Current version of package.
visible(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Select if GPane's window is visible or not.
visible(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Select if GPanel's window is visible or not.


waitIfRequested() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Halt temporarily the execution of the internal thread if it was requested by calling waitRequest() and block until cancel() or resume() is called.
waitRequest() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Set the waitRequest flag.
waitRequest(boolean) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.JRunner
Clear or set the waitRequest flag.
wakeUp(Object) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Monitor
Wake up all threads waiting for the given object's lock.
wakeUp() - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.Monitor
Wake up all threads waiting for the internal static monitor lock.
Waveform - Interface in ch.aplu.util
Interface to define the signature of the function to play.
Waveform.ChirpWave - Class in ch.aplu.util
Implements a waveform (chirp).
Waveform.ChirpWave() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.ChirpWave
Waveform.SawtoothWave - Class in ch.aplu.util
Implements a waveform (sawtooth).
Waveform.SawtoothWave() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SawtoothWave
Waveform.SineWave - Class in ch.aplu.util
Implements a waveform (sine).
Waveform.SineWave() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SineWave
Waveform.SquareWave - Class in ch.aplu.util
Implements a waveform (square).
Waveform.SquareWave() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.SquareWave
Waveform.TriangleWave - Class in ch.aplu.util
Implements a waveform (triangle).
Waveform.TriangleWave() - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.TriangleWave
Waveform.WavePlot - Class in ch.aplu.util
Class to display a simple graphics window with 5 periods of the given waveform.
Waveform.WavePlot(Waveform) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.Waveform.WavePlot
wavelengthToColor(int) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Returns the color corresponding to the spectral wavelength.
WEST - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The compass direction for west.
WHITE - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.WHITE.
window(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPanel
Sets the user coordinate system (x from left to right, y from bottom to top).
window(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set window coordinates.
window(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set window coordinates.
windowActivated() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateAdapter
Event callback method called when the window is activated.
windowActivated() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateListener
Event callback method called when the window is activated.
windowCenter() - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the window position to the center of the screen.
windowDeactivated() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateAdapter
Event callback method called when the window is deactivated.
windowDeactivated() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateListener
Event callback method called when the window is deactivated.
windowDeiconified() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateAdapter
Event callback method called when the window is deiconified.
windowDeiconified() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateListener
Event callback method called when the window is deiconified.
windowIconified() - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateAdapter
Event callback method called when the window is iconified.
windowIconified() - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateListener
Event callback method called when the window is iconified.
windowMoved(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateAdapter
Event callback method called when the window is moved.
windowMoved(int, int) - Method in interface ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGWindowStateListener
Event callback method called when the window is moved.
windowPosition(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the window position (upper left corner in device coordinates).
windowSize(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Set the size of the entire window (including title bar and borders) in device coordinates.
windowSize(int, int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Set the size of the entire window (including title bar and borders) in device coordinates.
writeControl(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Write lower byte of data into control port (at base address + 2).
writeData(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.LptPort
Write lower byte of data into data port (at base address).
writeImage(BufferedImage, String, String) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGBitmap
Writes a image file of the given BufferedImage.
writeTextFile(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Writes the given string to the given destination file.
writeTextFile(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Writes the given string to the given destination file.
writeWavFile(int[], String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Write the sound data from int array into the given file with given name in WAV format.
writeWavFile(byte[], String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Write the sound data in the given byte array into file with given name in WAV format.
writeWavFile(ByteArrayOutputStream, String) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Write the sound data in the given stream into file with given name in WAV format.
writeWavFile(ByteArrayOutputStream, File) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Write the sound data the given stream into the given file in WAV format.
writeWavFile(byte[], File) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Write the sound data from byte array into the given file in WAV format.
writeWavFile(int[], File) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.SoundRecorder
Write the sound data from int array into the given file in WAV format.


x - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
The public x-coordinate.
x - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The public horizontal coordinate (cell index) of the location.
x - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
The public x-coordinate.
X11Color - Class in ch.aplu.util
This class provides the mapping of X11 colors names (in string notation) to RGB colors represented the java.awt.Color class.
X11Color(String) - Constructor for class ch.aplu.util.X11Color
Creates a color with given X11 color name.
xmax - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Property for bean support.
xmin - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Property for bean support.


y - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGVector
The public y-coordinate.
y - Variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.Location
The public vertical coordinate (cell index) of the location.
y - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GVector
The public y-coordinate.
YELLOW - Static variable in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GameGrid
Short for Color.YELLOW.
ymax - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Property for bean support.
ymin - Variable in class ch.aplu.util.GPane
Property for bean support.


zip(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.jgamegrid.GGPath
Creates a ZIP archive from a all files and subdirectories in directory with given dirPath.
zip(File, File) - Static method in class ch.aplu.util.FilePath
Creates a ZIP archive from a all files and subdirectories in directory with given dirPath.


_delay(int) - Method in class ch.aplu.util.GPanel
Non-static version of delay().

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