Module TM1637
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Source Code for Module TM1637

  1  # 
  2  # Version 1.00 
  4  import RPi.GPIO as GPIO 
  5  from time import sleep 
  7  PATTERN = b'\0\x86\x22\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\x04\x40\x80\x52\x3f\x06\x5b\x4f\x66\x6d\x7d\x07\x7f\x6f\0\0\0\x48\0\0\x5d\x77\x7c\x39\x5e\x79\x71\x3d\x76\x30\x0e\x70\x38\x55\x54\x3f\x73\x67\x50\x2d\x78\x3e\x36\x6a\x49\x6e\x1b\x39\x64\x0f\x23\x08\x20\x77\x7c\x58\x5e\x79\x71\x3d\x74\x10\x0c\x70\x30\x55\x54\x5c\x73\x67\x50\x2d\x78\x1c\x36\x6a\x49\x6e\x1b\0\x30\0\x41' 
8 9 -class FourDigit:
10 ''' 11 Abstraction of the 4 digit 7-segment display based on the TM1637 display driver. 12 7-bit ASCII characters are mapped as close as possible to the 7 display segments. If a 13 character cannot be mapped, the digit is cleared. 14 ''' 15 16 myData = [0,0,0,0] 17 18 @staticmethod
20 ''' 21 Returns a string with all displayable characters taken from PATTERN dictionary. 22 @return: The character set that can be displayed 23 ''' 24 s = "<SPACE>" 25 k = 33 26 while k < 127: 27 ch = chr(k) 28 if TM1637.PATTERN[ch] != 0: 29 s = s + ch 30 k += 1 31 return s
32 33 @staticmethod
34 - def toHex(intValue):
35 ''' 36 Returns a string with hex digits from given number (>0, any size). 37 @param number: the number to convert (must be positive) 38 @return: string of hex digits (uppercase), e.g. 0xFE 39 ''' 40 return '%02x' % intValue
41 42 @staticmethod
43 - def toBytes(intValue):
44 ''' 45 Returns a list of four byte values [byte#24-#31, byte#16-#23, byte#8-#15, byte#0-#7] of given integer. 46 @param number: an integer 47 @return: list with integers of 4 bytes [MSB,..., LSB] 48 ''' 49 byte0 = intValue & 0xff 50 byte1 = (intValue >> 8) & 0xff 51 byte2 = (intValue >> 16) & 0xff 52 byte3 = (intValue >> 24) & 0xff 53 return [byte3, byte2, byte1, byte0]
54 55 @staticmethod
56 - def toInt(hexValue):
57 ''' 58 Returns an integer from given hex string 59 @param number: a string with the number to convert, e.g. "FE" or "fe" or "0xFE" or "0XFE" 60 @return: integer number 61 ''' 62 return int(hexValue, 16)
63 64 # ------------------- Constructor ---------------------------------
65 - def __init__(self, dio = 38, clk = 40, lum = 4):
66 ''' 67 Creates a display instance that uses the two given GPIO pins for data (dio, default: 38) and 68 clock (clk, default: 40). 69 It is set to the given luminosiy (0..9, default: 4) 70 ''' 71 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) 72 GPIO.setwarnings(False) 73 self.clk = clk 74 self.dio = dio 75 self.lum = lum 76 self.colon = False 77 self.startPos = 0 78 self.text = None 79 GPIO.setup(clk, GPIO.OUT) 80 GPIO.setup(dio, GPIO.OUT) 81 GPIO.output(clk, 0) 82 GPIO.output(dio, 0)
83 84 # ------------------- Public methods ---------------------------------
85 - def erase(self):
86 ''' 87 Clears the display (all digits are turned off). 88 ''' 89 self.colon = False 90" ")
92 - def show(self, text, pos = 0):
93 ''' 94 Displays 4 characters of the given text. The text is considered to be prefixed and postfixed by spaces 95 and the 4 character window is selected by the text pointer pos that determines the character displayed at the 96 leftmost digit, e.g. (_: empty): 97 showText("AbCdEF") -> AbCd 98 showText("AbCdEF", 1) -> bCdE 99 showText("AbCdEF", -1) ->_AbC 100 showText("AbCdEF", 4) -> EF__ 101 @param text: the text to display (string or integer) 102 @param pos: the start value of the text pointer (character index positioned a leftmost digit) 103 ''' 104 self.startPos = pos 105 self.pos = pos 106 self.text = str(text) # digits to chars 107 if len(self.text) < 4: 108 self.text = "%-4s" % self.text 109 self._cropText()
111 - def scroll(self, text):
112 ''' 113 Starts scrolling the text to the left and blocks until all characters have passed by. 114 ''' 115 116 sleep(1.5) 117 while self.toLeft() > 0: 118 sleep(1) 119 sleep(1)
121 - def toRight(self):
122 ''' 123 Scrolls the current text one step to the left by decreasing the text pointer. 124 @return: the number of characters hidden, but remaining to be displayed at the left (>=0); -1, if error 125 ''' 126 if self.text == None: 127 return -1 128 self.pos -= 1 129 self._cropText() 130 return max(0, 4 + self.pos)
132 - def toLeft(self):
133 ''' 134 Scrolls the current text one step to the left by increasing the text pointer. 135 @return: the number of characters hidden, but remaining to be displayed at the right (>=0); -1, if error 136 ''' 137 if self.text == None: 138 return -1 139 self.pos += 1 140 self._cropText() 141 nb = len(self.text) - self.pos 142 return max(0, nb)
144 - def toStart(self):
145 ''' 146 Shows the text at the start position by setting the text pointer to its start value. 147 ''' 148 if self.text == None: 149 return -1 150 self.pos = self.startPos 151 self._cropText()
153 - def setLuminosity(self, lum):
154 ''' 155 Sets the brightness of the display. 156 @param luminosity the brightness (0..9, 0: invisible) 157 ''' 158 self.lum = lum
160 - def setColon(self, enable):
161 ''' 162 Enables/disables the colon in the middle of the screen. 163 @param enable if True, the colon is shown in all subsequent text operations 164 ''' 165 self.colon = enable
166 167 # ------------------- end of public methods --------------------------------- 168
169 - def _cropText(self):
170 n = len(self.text) 171 data = [' '] * (n + 8) 172 for i in range(n): 173 data[i + 4] = self.text[i] 174 start = max(0, self.pos + 4) 175 start = min(start, len(data) - 4) 176 end = min(start + n, len(data)) 177 data = self._toSegment(data[start:end]) 178 self._prepare(0x40) 179 self._writeByte(0xC0) 180 for i in range(4): 181 self._writeByte(data[i]) 182 self._commit()
184 - def _writeByte(self, data):
185 for i in range(8): 186 GPIO.output(self.clk, 0) 187 sleep(0.0001) 188 if data & 0x01: 189 GPIO.output(self.dio, 1) 190 else: 191 GPIO.output(self.dio, 0) 192 sleep(0.0001) 193 data = data >> 1 194 GPIO.output(self.clk, 1) 195 sleep(0.0001) 196 197 GPIO.output(self.clk, 0) 198 GPIO.output(self.dio, 1) 199 GPIO.output(self.clk, 1) 200 # wait for ACK, no need to set pin as input 201 while GPIO.input(self.dio) == 1: 202 sleep(0.001) 203 sleep(0.001)
205 - def _toSegment(self, text):
206 data = [] 207 msb = 0 208 if self.colon: 209 msb = 0x80 210 for c in text: 211 if ord(c) < 32 or ord(c) > 127: 212 c = " " 213 data.append(ord(PATTERN[ord(c) - 32]) + msb) 214 return data
216 - def _start(self):
217 GPIO.output(self.clk, 1) 218 GPIO.output(self.dio, 1) 219 sleep(0.0001) 220 GPIO.output(self.dio, 0) 221 GPIO.output(self.clk, 0) 222 sleep(0.0001)
224 - def _stop(self):
225 GPIO.output(self.clk, 0) 226 GPIO.output(self.dio, 0) 227 sleep(0.0001) 228 GPIO.output(self.clk, 1) 229 GPIO.output(self.dio, 1) 230 sleep(0.0001)
232 - def _prepare(self, addr):
233 self._start() 234 self._writeByte(addr) 235 self._stop() 236 self._start() 237
238 - def _commit(self):
239 self._stop() 240 self._start() 241 self._writeByte(0x88 + self.lum) 242 self._stop()