Module TM1637 :: Class FourDigit
[frames] | no frames]

Class FourDigit

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Abstraction of the 4 digit 7-segment display based on the TM1637 display driver. 7-bit ASCII characters are mapped as close as possible to the 7 display segments. If a character cannot be mapped, the digit is cleared.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, dio=38, clk=40, lum=4)
Creates a display instance that uses the two given GPIO pins for data (dio, default: 38) and clock (clk, default: 40).
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Clears the display (all digits are turned off).
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show(self, text, pos=0)
Displays 4 characters of the given text.
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scroll(self, text)
Starts scrolling the text to the left and blocks until all characters have passed by.
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Scrolls the current text one step to the left by decreasing the text pointer.
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Scrolls the current text one step to the left by increasing the text pointer.
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Shows the text at the start position by setting the text pointer to its start value.
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setLuminosity(self, lum)
Sets the brightness of the display.
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setColon(self, enable)
Enables/disables the colon in the middle of the screen.
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Static Methods
Returns a string with all displayable characters taken from PATTERN dictionary.
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Returns a string with hex digits from given number (>0, any size).
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Returns a list of four byte values [byte#24-#31, byte#16-#23, byte#8-#15, byte#0-#7] of given integer.
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Returns an integer from given hex string
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Class Variables
  myData = [0, 0, 0, 0]
Method Details

Static Method

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Returns a string with all displayable characters taken from PATTERN dictionary.

The character set that can be displayed

Static Method

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Returns a string with hex digits from given number (>0, any size).

  • number - the number to convert (must be positive)
string of hex digits (uppercase), e.g. 0xFE

Static Method

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Returns a list of four byte values [byte#24-#31, byte#16-#23, byte#8-#15, byte#0-#7] of given integer.

  • number - an integer
list with integers of 4 bytes [MSB,..., LSB]

Static Method

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Returns an integer from given hex string

  • number - a string with the number to convert, e.g. "FE" or "fe" or "0xFE" or "0XFE"
integer number

__init__(self, dio=38, clk=40, lum=4)

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Creates a display instance that uses the two given GPIO pins for data (dio, default: 38) and clock (clk, default: 40). It is set to the given luminosiy (0..9, default: 4)

show(self, text, pos=0)

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Displays 4 characters of the given text. The text is considered to be prefixed and postfixed by spaces and the 4 character window is selected by the text pointer pos that determines the character displayed at the leftmost digit, e.g. (_: empty): showText("AbCdEF") -> AbCd showText("AbCdEF", 1) -> bCdE showText("AbCdEF", -1) ->_AbC showText("AbCdEF", 4) -> EF__

  • text - the text to display (string or integer)
  • pos - the start value of the text pointer (character index positioned a leftmost digit)


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Scrolls the current text one step to the left by decreasing the text pointer.

the number of characters hidden, but remaining to be displayed at the left (>=0); -1, if error


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Scrolls the current text one step to the left by increasing the text pointer.

the number of characters hidden, but remaining to be displayed at the right (>=0); -1, if error

setLuminosity(self, lum)

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Sets the brightness of the display.

  • luminosity, the, brightness, (0..9, 0 - invisible)

setColon(self, enable)

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Enables/disables the colon in the middle of the screen. @param enable if True, the colon is shown in all subsequent text operations