Class that wraps the J2ME MMAPI class in order
to start/resume, pause and stop playing audio files in a separate thread.
Draws a imaginary horizonatal line at given y-coordinate,
when the turtle subsequently moves around, the trapezoidal area that is covered
by this line and the turtle position is filled using the
current fill color.
Attachs a imaginary rubber band at the given position, when the turtle subsequently
moves around, the area that is covered by the rubber band is filled using the
current fill color.
Draws a imaginary vertical line at given x-coordinate,
when the turtle subsequently moves around, the trapezoidal area that is covered
by this line and the turtle position is filled using the
current fill color.
Constructs a MConsole with given maximal number of lines in text buffer,
the background color, the default text color and
the size of the font (1: small, 2: medium, 3: large)
If nbLines <= 0, the number of lines is unlimited.
Constructs a MConsole with given maximal number of lines in text buffer,
the background color, the default text color and
the size of the font (1: small, 2: medium, 3: large)
If nbLines <= 0, the number of lines is unlimited.
Simple graphics window of full display width and height (client drawing area)
using a coordinate system with x-axis from left to right, y-axis from bottom to top
(called window coordinates, default range 0..1, 0..1).
Constructs a MPanel and show the display with given title
and given window coordinates,
(0, 0) is at lower left corner which is the current graph cursor position.
Empty callback method triggered by HttpReader when the transfer due to the
HTTP GET command issued by the HttpGetter constructor terminates or
when an error occured.
Empty callback method triggered by HttpReader when the transfer due to the
HTTP GET command issued by the HttpGetter constructor terminates or
when an error occured.